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《韩非子》中有这样一个寓言故事:宋国有人卖酒,质量很好,量也充足,而且待客殷勤,很会做广告,他将酒旗挂得老高,诚心诚意地希望有人来买酒。但由于有条恶狗在他店门口,致使酒都变酸了也无人光顾。故事表明①关键部分在一定条件下对整体具有决定作用 ②世界上任何两个事物之间都存在联系 ③想问题、办事情在抓主要矛盾的同时,也不能忽视次要矛盾的解决 ④主观能动性的发挥受到客观规律的制约










One of Microsoft’s cool people is Patrick Blackburn. As a test manager for the Product Group, Blackburn’s job may sound routine; however, he says it’s anything but that.

"Most people think of software testing as a mundane task of punching the keyboard like a monkey, trying to break the program," Blackburn says. "Part of that is true, but we write software programs called Monkeys to do that for us so that we don’t have to hire real monkeys. Real monkeys are too difficult to manage and don’t usually pass the personal hygiene criteria! " In reality, Blackburn says, testing responsibilities are very technically challenging and often include complete development cycles of their own. He spends most of his time coming up with creative incentives to convince his team to believe in schedules for products that don’t yet exist, hiring great people to build p teams, and pounding on the products to find bugs before the customer sees them.

According to Blackburn, the most critical thing you can do to succeed at Microsoft is to focus on what you believe is important. "It’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything going on around you, so first and foremost you need to stay focused, " he says. "What you focus on needs to be something you firmly believe in so that you’ll pursue it and defend your mission with a passion. "

He also thinks that one of the biggest differences between his co-workers at Microsoft and those at his former workplace is the sense of ownership and the impact on the business that everyone shares. "We hire people who tend to become personally attached to the products and the success of the company, and the environment really perpetuates this," Blackburn says. "It’s much easier to motivate a team at Microsoft than any other company I’ve been in. "

One of the most difficult parts of Blackburn’s job is staying ahead of the people who report to him. "Because there are so many smart people and technology is changing so quickly, it is a constant challenge to keep up, " he says. "I hope that’s because I hire such great people! "

To succeed, Blackburn uses time management tactics and allocates a specific amount of time to education. "My personal goal is to spend at least 20 percent of my time learning new things through formal and informal methods. \

As a test manager, Blackburn’s work involves ()。

A. managing real monkeys to do the testing

B. designing test papers used to test prospective employees

C. finding faults with the products before they go to market

D. convincing his team of the interesting aspects of their job