问题 单项选择题

You are trying to determine what cost and schedule trade-off will be most appropriate for your project. You have the option to select either a more experienced person at $120 per hour who can do the task in 45 days or a less experienced person at $80 per hour who can do the same task in 65 days. A tool you can use to facilitate making the decision is ______ .

A) cost of quality
B) cause-and-effect diagram
C) design of experiments
D) network diagrams



解析: 你在试图确定什么样的成本和进度转换比例更适合你的项目。你可以选择一个有经验的人员, 他每小时工资120美元, 完成工作需要45天;或者选择一个经验少的人, 他每小时工资80美元, 完成工作需要65天。一个可以帮助你作出决定的工具是 ______ 。
A) 质量成本 B) 因果分析
C) 试验设计 D) 网络图
