问题 单项选择题






When John Weston awoke that morning, he remembered that his mother was going into hospital. He hadn’t worked out quite what was wrong with her. He knew, though that she hadn’t been well for some time now, and it had become almost familiar to him to see her eyes narrowed in a sudden attack of pain, and her hand pressing against her heart. Their own doctor, who she had finally gone to for advice, had sent her to an expert who knew all about these things. He had told her that just as soon as there was a bed for her, she would have to come into his hospital where he could look after her himself.

During the weeks since then the pains had come even more frequently, and the narrowed eyes became an almost permanent part of her expression. Always rather sharp, she began losing her temper over little things so that John’s father kept his thoughts to himself more and more. John, as ready as possible to make allowances, tried to think what it would be like to have toothache all the time and how bad-tempered that would make you.

So his mother would go into hospital for a few days. He was going to stay with his Aunt Daisy till she came back, and his father would stay on at home by himself. John’s cousin, Mona, was to come in and make the bed and wash the pots and dust round now and again. That was the arrangement, and John didn’t care much for it. Apart from missing his mother(and he was glad she was going away because they would make her better), he wasn’t very fond of his Aunt Daisy because she was even more bad-tempered than his mother.

小题1:Mrs Weston went to see her doctor_________.

A.as soon as she realized that something was wrong

B.only after her husband advised her to

C.a long time after the trouble began

D.when John asked what was wrong with her小题2:what did Mrs Weston’s own doctor decide to do?

A.he decided to send her to hospital

B.he decided to get an expert to examine her

C.He decided to treat her himself

D.He advised her to wait for a few weeks.小题3:how did John react to his mother’s bad temper?

A.he tried to imagine himself in her place.

B.He tried not to notice it.

C.He pretended that he had toothache.

D.He behaved himself as well as possible.小题4:John regarded ______as most bad-tempered.

A.his father

B.his mother

C.his cousin Mona

D.his aunt Daisy



材料一 守旧而又维新,复古而又开明,这样一种二重性的立场,使得儒家学说能够在维护礼教伦常的前提下,一手伸向过去,一手指向未来,在正在消逝的贵族分封制宗法社会和方兴的大一统国家之间架起了桥梁。这就是为什么儒学在当时能成为“显学”的原因。”




材料二 道之大原出于天,天不变道亦不变。……天道之大者在阴阳,阳为德,阴为刑。刑主杀而德主生。



材料三 理学是中国古代最为精致,最为完备的理论体系,其影响至深至巨。理学家将天理和人欲对立起来,进而以天理遏制人欲,约束带有自我色彩、个人色彩的情感欲求。……应该看到,理学强调通过道德自觉达到理想人格的建树,也强化了中 * * 注重气节和德操,注重责任与历史使命的文化性格。



材料四 如果没有长期以来形成的多民族统一的中 * * 文化的自我认同,中国这样一个多民族的国家就会在全球化浪潮和现代化过程中被“化”掉……从历史上看,儒家曾不断吸取周边各民族的文化、丰富自身。……儒家文化不仅是农业文明的产物,也是华夏族群的精神形态……作为民族的意识与心理,儒家文化在今天仍是活着的。

