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                                                                New York City Hotels

     1. The Plaza                                                                                 Midtown, New York, New York

     Hotel class                     CHECK RATES   FROM   $866/NIGHT

     Now what was expected                                                                                                  By 8/10/10 

     Well the Plaza is the only way to go right? Wrong. The room was incredibly tiny and we even upgraded to a larger room. I would hate to see what the smaller rooms were like. we had to wait over 3 hours to get checked in as they were running behind…more

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     2.  Doubletree Guest Suites Times Square-New York City    

     Theatre District, New York, New York

     Hotel class                    CHECK RATES   FROM   $507/NIGHT    

    Timer of our lives                        By A Yahoo! Contributor, 2/14/11

   We loved it here, it is close to everything. This was the first time my family had been to NYC and can

not wait to go back. I have highly recommended this hotel to all my friends. It was definitely worth the time and money… more

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     3. The Benjamin                                              Turtle Bay, New York, New York

     Hotel class                     CHECK RATES   FROM   $511/NIGHT

     Terrible Service from their Accounting Department         By Todd 8/2/10

     While we enjoyed the stay at this hotel, we have been disputing a bogus charge on our credit card that

they insisted is not their problem but Yahoo's. Yahoo clearly charged us the correct amount on both…


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     4. Jet Luxury Resorts At St. Regis, New York                       Midtown, New York, New York

     Hotel class                    CHECK RATES   FROM   $595/NIGHT

     Incredible!                                      By BillC, 8/23/08

     We came here for our 5 year anniversary and stayed for the weekend. We were treated like royalty.

The manager of the hotel arranged a special suite for us with champagne waiting for us. The bed was

amazingly comfortable and the food service was out of the world…more

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1. This advertisement is most probably taken from __________.

A. http://www.sina.com

B. <http://www.yahoo.com>  

C. http://www.baidu.com

D. http://www.163.com

2. Which hotel is the most expensive?

A. The Plaza

B. Doubletree Guest Suites Times Square

C. The Benjamin

D. Jet Luxury Resorts At St. Regis

3.  How many visitors really enjoy their stay in these hotels according to their reviews?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

4.  Where is The Benjamin exactly located?

A. New York

B. Midtown

C. Theatre District

D. Turtle Bay


某机电公司承接一地铁机电工程(4站4区间),该工程位于市中心繁华区,施工周期共16个月,工程范围包括通风与空调,给排水及消防水,动力照明,环境与设备监控系统等。工程各站设置3台制冷机组,单台机组重量为5.5t,位于地下站台层。各站两端的新风及排风竖井共安装6台大型风机。空调冷冻,冷却水管采用镀锌钢管焊接法兰连接,法兰焊接处内外焊口做防腐处理。其中某站的3台冷却塔按设计要求设置在地铁入口外的建筑区围挡内,冷却塔并排安装且与围挡建筑物距离为2.0m。 机电工程工期紧,作业区域分散,项目部编制了施工组织设计,对工程进度,质量和安全管理进行重点控制。在安全管理方面,项目部根据现场作业特点,对重点风险作业进行分析识别,制定了相应的安全管理措施和应急预案。 在车站出入口未完成结构施工时,全部机电设备,材料均需进行吊装作业,其中制冷机组和大型风机的吊装运输分包给专业施工队伍。分包单位编制了吊装运输专项方案后即组织实施,被监理工程师制止,后经审批,才组织实施。 在公共区及设备区走廊上方的管线密集区,采用“管线综合布置”的机电安装新技术,由成品镀锌型钢和专用配件组成的综合支吊架系统。机电管线深化设计后,解决了以下问题:避免了设计图纸中一根600*400mm风管与400*200mm电缆桥架安装位置的碰撞;确定了各机电管线安装位置;断面尺寸最大的风管最高,电缆桥架居中,水管最低;确定管线间的位置和标高,满足施工及维修操作面的要求。机电公司根据优化方案组织施工,按合同要求一次完成。
