问题 判断题






     Who is the superstar of the cat world? It has to be Uncle Cat. Uncle Cat is a fat white cat living in the

countryside of Japan. He is already nine years old, as old as our 50-year-old uncle in cat years. That's why

he gets the nickname (绰号) Uncle Cat.

     Uncle Cat is a lazy cat. He often half shuts his eyes and lies in the sun. It makes him look relaxed and

peaceful. He also enjoys himself in a basket, so he has another name: Basket Cat.

     Uncle Cat is clever. He knows exactly how to make himself look cool-to wear a pair of sunglasses. From

hats to flowers, Uncle Cat likes everything that makes him a different cat.

     Uncle Cat's owner likes to take pictures of Uncle Cat. To his surprise, these photos are very popular on

the internet. They make people from all over the world to know and love this cute cat.

     Recently, a big earthquake happened in Uncle Cat's hometown. But don't worry. Uncle Cat is also a lucky

cat. He is safe and sound. That means there will be more photos of Uncle Cat on time and he will soon bring

us more fun!

1. What do you know about Uncle Cat's looks?

A. He is a fat white cat.

B. He is already nine years old.

C. He is a lonely cat.

D. He lives in the country of Japan.

2. The main reason why Uncle Cat is called Basket Cat is that .

A. He often half shuts his eyes.

B. He always lies in the sun.

C. He enjoys himself in a basket.

D. He looks relaxed and peaceful.

3. People from all over the world get to know and love Uncle Cat .

A. during a big earthquake.

B. on the Internet.

C. from photo collections.

D. in the newspaper.

4. Which of the following can best explain "Uncle Cat knows exactly how to make himself look cool"?



根据全国第二次农业普查资料,2006年末,浙江实有耕地面积为1594.43千公顷,分别比 1980年、1985年、1990年、1996年、2000年减少12.5%、10.3%、7.5%、1.2%和0.8%,其中水田面积为1291.08干公顷,分别比1980年、1985年、1990年、1996年、2000年减少12.0%、10.5%、 9.7%、4.0%、2.8%。
随着第二、三产业发展,农民剩余劳动力转移,收入途径拓宽。与此同时,浙江农民人均土地逐年减少,农民经营农业规模不断缩小,收益相对下降,农民对农业经营投入下降。但多数农民身份没变,不敢完全放弃对承包到户土地的控制权,仍将土地看作家庭生存的保障之一,使浙江农业成为多数农户的副业,导致经营农业规模不断缩小、效益下降。2006年,浙江农村居民人均纯收人为7335元,从1996-2006年,各年份保持不同程度的增长,年平均实际增长6.8%; 2006年,浙江人均耕地面积为0.034公顷,比1980年下降28.2%;农民经营农业收入占人均纯收入的比重从1985年的37.3%下降到2006年的12.0%;农业生产户数为808.26万户,占农村住户数的66.2%,比2003年下降14.5个百分点;其中纯农户所占比重为19.5%,非农业兼业户达60.1%。
2006年,浙江牧业总产值为287.34亿元,占全省农、林、牧、渔业总产值的19.0%;1996-2006年年均增长为4.4%,比全省农、林、牧、渔业总产值年均增长高1.1个百分点;农民纯收人中,牧业的农民家庭经营收入为281元,占家庭经营收入的9.3%,1996-2006年的年均增长为 2.0%,分别比第二、三产业的经营收入的年增长率低8.8和8.0个百分点。
在先发优势不断减弱的情况下,农村的第二、三产业发展难度加大,农民经营非农产业的收入增长趋缓。浙江农民工资性收入与家庭经营非农产业收入在农民纯收人中占有较高比重。农村的第二、三产业发展是构成浙江农民上资性收入和家庭经营非农产业收入的主要来源。随着市场经济发展,要素资源不断匮乏,并向大企业倾斜,非农产业的创业成本不断提高,与农民收入关系紧密的农村第二、三产业发展趋缓,导致农民工资性收入和家庭经营非农产业收入增长趋缓。从浙江个体工业单位发展情况看,2007年单位数为67.5万户,2001-2007年年均增长 2.8%。

下列各项,数值最小的是( )。



