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第二节信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


The Blue Mercury Hotel has a varieties of different hotel rooms for different kinds of people. Book 7 days in advance and you will pay at special rates. The categories are as follows.

Ruby No 1: with a balcony. One single bed and a computer , Internet accessible

Max: One person

Price: Regular Rate — $ 490 ( per person / per night)  With no special rate all year around

Sapphire No 2: With a balcony. Two double beds ( all standard rooms)

Max : Four people

Price : Regular rate — $ 220 ( per person / per night)

Special rate — $ 190 ( per person / per night)

Emerald No 1: With a balcony. Two double beds or one king-size bed ( all standard room)

Max: Four people

Price : Regular rate — $290 ( per person / per night)

Special rate — $ 220  ( per person / per night)

Ruby No 2: With a balcony.  One bed room suite with one king—size bed

Max : two people  

Price : regular rate — $ 580 ( per person / per night)

Special rate — $400 ( per person / per night)

Emerald No 3: With a balcony. Two –bed room suite on the top floor of the oceanarium with              two king-size beds

Max: Four people

Price: Regular rate — $900 ( per person / per night)

Special Rate — $760 ( per person / per night)

Sapphire No 1: With no balcony . Two double beds ( smaller space)

Max : Two people 

Price : Regular Rate — $120 ( per person / per night)

Special Rate — 90 ( per person / per night)

请阅读以下游客的信息,然后匹配游客和他/她在 The Mercury Hotel 居住的房间:

56. Jane and Jessica, college students on holiday excursion, book the room of the Blue Mercury Hotel a fortnight ahead of time; plan to live in a room with the minimum pay.

57.  Jim and his newly married bride, arriving tomorrow morning , choose to have a suite with a king-size bed, for which they budget to pay at most $ 1200 for two of them for one night.

58.  Two couples on a trip stop at Blue Mercury Hotel. They like the place so much that they agree to stay in the hotel for two nights. Their budget is between $ 900-700 for each family.

59.  For Dave and his wife, they would rather book a suite where they can enjoy the ocean view, concerned less about the price of the room.

60.  Doctor King is having a conference at the Blue Mercury Hotel. He has to write his research paper. He wants to stay in a hotel room which has the suitable facilities


56-60 F D B E A

单项选择题 A1/A2型题

A股份有限公司(以下简称A公司)于2001年发起设立,2006年在上海证券交易所上市,注册资本为1亿元人民币。截至2008年底,A公司资产总额为2亿元人民币。 (一)2008年2月1日,A公司董事长黄某主持与某世界知名企业谈判W合作项目。3月17日,双方签订合作协议。当晚,黄某建议其亲属陈某买入本公司股票。3月18日,在A公司召开的年度例会上,黄某宣布了公司与某世界知名企业合作的消息。3月21日,A公司就该重大事项向中国证监会和上海证券交易所报告,并在中国证券报上予以公告。此后,A公司股票持续上涨。3月28日,黄某将其持有的A公司股票全部售出,获得50万元。 (二)2008年4月,A公司为筹集W合作项目所需资金,向B银行借款3 000万元,期限为2年。双方为此签订了抵押合同。抵押合同约定:A公司以其拥有的价值3 000万元的生产设备为其借款提供抵押担保;若A公司到期不能偿还借款,该生产设备归B银行所有。该抵押未办理登记。 (三)2009年1月,A公司召开股东大会。出席该次股东大会的股东所持的股份占A公司股份总数的40%,另有持有10%股份的股东书面委托代理人出席了会议。该次股东大会对所议事项的决议形成会议记录。其中部分通过事项的表决情况如下: 1.在审议公司为筹集W合作项目所需资金,董事会提出的向原股东配售5 000万元的配股方案时,持有10%股份的股东在表决时弃权;持有9%股份的股东在表决时投了反对票;持有10%股份的代理人在表决时根据授权投了赞成票;其余持有21%股份的股东在表决时均投了赞成票。 2.在审议公司2009年为购买W合作项目所需的重要生产设备,计划投资7 000万元的事项时,持有15%股份的股东在表决时投了反对票;持有10%股份的股东在表决时弃权;持有10%股份的代理人在表决时根据授权投了反对票;其余持有15%股份的股东在表决时均投了赞成票。 3.在审议公司解聘某会计师事务所的事项时,持有5%股份的股东在表决时弃权;持有5%股份的股东在表决时投了反对票;持有10%股份的代理人在表决时根据授权投了赞成票;其余持有30%股份的股东在表决时均投了赞成票。 要求: 根据《公司法》、《证券法》、《合同法》、《担保法》等有关规定,分析并指出上述(一)、(二)、(三)事项中有哪些违法之处?并分别说明理由。