问题 阅读理解
A:   Workplace Rights
Unpaid overtime. Wrongful Termination. Wage&Hour. Haressment. Retaliation. Disability. Pregnancy leave. Call for free consultation:  310-273-3180
B:  Arguing with Your Homeowners Association?
Homeowners Association Dispute. Property / Neighbour Controversies. Eminent Domain
and Government Agency Issues.         949-727-0977
C:  Auto Accidents Injury Cases
Hit and run charges. Ticket warrants. Suspended Drivers License. All Criminal Law Cases.
D:  The Incorporation Specialists
A corporation is a legal entity and incorporation is a legal procedure.
We are experienced — over 30 years of forming 1000s of companies.
Affordable for even the smallest of companies.
Service all inclusive — we do everything for you without any hidden charges.
Have your company formed by an expert. 800-782-9051
E:  Bankruptcy
Stop Foreclosures. Levies. Repossession & Garnishment. Discharge taxes. Negotiate your debts without bankruptcy
We are a debt relief agency. Help people file for bankruptcy relief. 818-762-8120
F:  DMV Hearings
Reexaminations. Administrative Hearings. Medical&Skill Hearings.
Service all of California.  805-482-1961
小题1:Susie got her driving license two months ago. But last week when she was going along a quiet road, another car following her hit her from behind. She was not hurt seriously, but the her car was quite damaged and the driver ran away at great speed. She hasn’t any evidence except for the car number she remembers.
小题2:Mr. Samdos has recently got a large fortune from his uncle who lives abroad. He wants to quit his job as an engineer and starts his own company. Not having done that before, he is at a loss how to start his company.
小题3: Mr. Johnson is a worker for maintenance in his company and he often has to work overtime. But due to some managerial reason, for years he hasn’t received any extra pay for that.
小题4:Mr. William is a successful businessman and he owns a few corporations. To his sadness, one of his corporations suffered huge loss when co-operating with another big corporation in a new business deal. He wants to break from the partnership, but the partner asks for a higher price than he is willing to accept.
小题5:Mr. Black shared a parking lot with Mr. Cambell, who lives next to him. But last month, Mr. Cambell built a wall around the lot, which makes it impossible for Mr. Black to park his car in the lot without a key. But Mr. Cambell claims the lot to be his own.







小题2:Mr. Samdos 刚得到一大笔钱,想辞职开办公司,而D是专门帮助客户筹备开设公司事宜的。

小题3:Mr. Johnson 是公司的维修保养工人,经常要加班,但好几年没有收到加班工资,A专门处理和工作职务有关的纠纷。

小题4:Mr. William 是商人,但其旗下一公司和别人合作时失败,Mr. William想中止合作,但对方要价甚高,而E专门处理公司及其与银行之间的债务纠纷。

小题5:Mr. Black 原来和邻居共用一块停车场,但其邻居不久前将该场地独占,而B专门处理邻里纠纷。

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