问题 阅读理解


      Tommy is a boy of eleven. His father is an English teacher. They are in the same school. Tommy usually

goes to school in his father's car. Sometimes he takes the school bus with his friends. He never walks or rides

a bicycle. His home is too far from school. It's raining now, Tommy is waiting for the school bus with his

friends. They all have their boots and umbrellas. They are dry and happy.

1. How old is Tommy?

A. He is a boy.

B. He is eleven.

C. She is eleven.

D. He likes English.

2. Are Tommy and his father in the same school?

A. Yes, he is.

B. I don't know.

C. No, they aren't.

D. Yes, they are.

3. How does Tommy go to school?

A. He usually walks to school with his friends.

B. He always rides a bicycle.

C. Sometimes he takes the school bus with his friends.

D. He always goes to school in his father's car.

4. How's the weather now?

A. It's sunny and hot.

B. It's cold and cloudy.

C. It's rainy.

D. It's snowing.

5. Is Tommy dry or wet?

A. She's dry.

B. They are dry and happy.

C. They are all wet.

D. He is dry.


1. B  2. D  3. C  4. C  5. D


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