问题 填空题










那些年,北院9 号的那盏灯,总是与14 号的灯光隐然呼应,每每要在凌晨二三点才停歇。这正好就为那些暗夜往返的野兔、野猫和飞禽照亮了道路。


        浦江清虽用功极勤,下笔有神,治学却极谨严,轻易不做学术文章。在12 年里,他的论文只有两篇。数量虽少,质量却高。其《八仙考》一俟问世,各界大表钦服。便是对学界大佬朱希祖都很不以为然的张荫麟也特地跑来祝贺。此文开始奠定了浦江清的学界地位。很快,他那“文史并进、博览无涯”的名气,便在学界不胫而走。其实,他不仅国文好、洋文好,而且诗词俱佳,棋牌在行,曲艺精工,甚至数理天文也无所不通。日后,浦江清久经酝酿,又推出了著名长文《词的讲解》。文章一出,朱自清、叶圣陶、吕叔湘、程千帆等名流均极表激赏,“盛称讲解之精”,以为在俞平伯名作《读词偶得》之上。仅此一文,就奠定了他作为词学高手的地位。






        可惜一年多后,这位《背影》的作者匆匆离去。几十年的刻苦用功,也把浦江清素来羸弱的躯体渐渐掏空了。他的课越讲越漂亮,他的学问越做越深湛,而他的身体也越来越枯瘦。至1957 年,浦江清也遽然倒下,匆匆离去。早年的“清华双清”,终于成了一段学苑佳话。(选自2009 年11 期《读者》,有删改)

1.下列对文章有关内容分析与概括,最恰当的两项是(     )

A .浦江清不仅凭借自身的实力赢得了诸多恩师的器重,而且还牢牢地抓住了恩师提供的发展机遇,最终把自己铸成了大器。

B .浦江清虽然未曾留过学,但是经过自身勤奋锤炼,到赴欧洲游学时,他的整个学术水平已经超越了留洋多年的冯友兰。

C .物以稀为贵,浦江清凭借一篇《八仙考》就奠定了自身的学界地位,凭借一篇《词的讲解》就奠定了自身词学高手的地位。

D .浦江清的家累很深,本应居家静养,但在闻一多于昆明不幸遇刺后,他义无反顾地北上返校,这也加剧了他身体的衰竭。

E .“清华双清”当年都鼎鼎有名,但浦江清轻易不做学术文章,而朱自清却著作等身,所以今天两人的声名已有天渊之别。








One man tells of driving on a long and lonely road, the last 65 miles of it unpaved, in order to watch Indian dances in the state of Arizona. After the dances, he returned to his car only to find that it had a flat tire. He put on the spare and drove to the only service station in that town.

“Do you fix flats?” he inquired of the attendant.

“Yes,” came the answer.

“How much do you charge?” he asked.

With a twinkle in his eye, the man replied, “What difference does it make?”

This is what has been called a “Hobson’s choice”. A Hobson’s choice is a situation that forces a person to accept whatever is offered or go without.

According to Barbara Berliner, the phrase was inspired by sixteenth-century entrepreneur (企业家) Thomas Hobson. There was no choice by the customer — it was strictly Hobson’s choice.

But often we really have a choice, and the choice does make a difference. We may not always believe it. We may feel as if we have no choice, but almost always there is a choice in the matter. And when we realize that we do most things by choice, then we are taking control of our own lives.

Someone challenged me to try an experiment that completely changed my perspective. “For the next seven days,” he said, “eliminate the words ‘I have to’ from your vocabulary and say ‘I choose to’. Don’t say, ‘I have to work late tonight’. Instead, say, ‘I choose to work late’. When you choose to do it, you take control of your life. Instead of saying, ‘I have to stay home’, try ‘I choose to stay home’. The way you spend your time is your choice. You are responsible. You have control.”

In just seven days I was no longer saying “I have to” and I felt better about my decisions. I learned that there is very little in my life I actually have to do. You and I decide to do certain things because we believe that it will be for the best. When we eliminate “I have to” from our vocabularies, we take control.

Try it for a week and you see what happens. I think you’ll see it’s a change for the better.

小题1: What did the attendant mean by saying “What difference does it make”?

A.The man didn’t need to pay for the work.

B.It was unnecessary for the man to ask about the price.

C.There was no need for the man to have the tire fixed.

D.The man should keep silent.小题2:The author learnt from the experiment that he      .

A.could become more challenging

B.could spend more time relaxing himself

C.should take pleasure in helping others

D.actually changed his attitudes towards life小题3:What does the underlined word “eliminate” mean?




D.Recite.小题4:What is the situation where we have a “Hobson’s choice”?

A.We have no choice but to follow.

B.We should often change our choice.

C.We should make preparations before a journey.

D.We should think twice before taking action.小题5: The purpose of writing this text is to            .

A.advise us to become active in life

B.explain what Hobson’s choice is

C.tell an interesting story about the author

D.accept others’ advice modestly