问题 阅读理解


Amy: Hello! Li Ming. Tomorrow I'm going to Hainan.

Li Ming: Really? Are you going there with your mother?

Amy: Yes, my father is going there with us, too.

Li Ming: It's great. You are going to take a family trip. How are you going there?

Amy: By plane. We leave for at 5: 00 in tomorrow morning。

Li Ming: What are you going to do there?

Amy: I'm going to swim in the sea. I'm going to take many pictures.

Li Ming: You can eat some seafood and fruit there, too.

Amy: Yes. My mother is going to buy some clothes. My father is going to visit his friends.

Li Ming: That's wonderful. Oh, Amy. It's time to go to bed now. Have a good time in Hainan.

Amy: Thank you. Bye!

1. Where is Amy going on a trip tomorrow?


2. How many people are going on a trip tomorrow?


3. How does Amy get there?


4. What is Amy going to do in Hainan?


5. Is Amy's mother going to visit her friends in this trip?



1. Hainan.

2. Three people are going on a trip tomorrow.

3. By plane.

4. She is going to swim in the sea, and take many pictures.

5. No, Amy's mother is going to buy some clothes.



欧洲核子研究中心( CERN)的大型强子对撞机LHC 于2008年9月10 日正式启动。强子对撞机LHC位于法国 和瑞士边境100米深处的环形隧道中,是目前世界上最大的粒子加速器,也被称为“时间机器”,其目的是要解开宇宙形 成之谜,实验模拟演绎宇宙在137亿年前发生大爆炸之初的 原始情景。

(1)9月19 日欧洲强子对撞机发生严重氦泄漏事故而熄火, 有将近一吨液态氦在隧道里发生泄漏,使隧道的真空失效,修复时间至少需要两个月。其中使用的液氦质量占全世界年产量的10%。液氦的化学式为_________,由于液氦的沸点极低,在核技术中可用作_______。

(2)常温下,氦气的化学性质________(填“很”或“不”)活泼,其密度为0. 19g/L,可用于填充飞船和大型气球。还可用于___________、____________(至少说出 两点)。

(3)氦-4元素原子核中质子数为2,中子数为2,下列有关氦4元素的说法正确的是( )。





(4)我国“嫦娥一号”探月卫星成功发射,标志探月工程成为 中国航天的又一里程碑,探测发现月球含有丰富的矿藏资源,尤其足富含核聚变燃料氦-3。核聚变燃料氦-3和 冷却剂氦-4属于同种____(填“元素”“原子”“分子”或“离子”),氦元素属于____(填“金属…非金 属”或“稀有气体”)元素。
