A.TomTom One 125-GPS Receiver
The TomTom One 125 isn’t the newest or flashiest portable navigation device on the market, but that’s OK. Not everyone needs the latest or greatest. What the One 125 offers is a solid, entry-level GPS for first time buyers or for those looking for the most basic navigation function.
Price: $98.00---$179.99
B. Garmin Nuvi 880
As we’ve come to expect from the Nuvi line, the Garmin Nuvi 880 offers an impressive feature list and solid performance, but it’s the accurate speech recognition that really pushes the Nuvi 880 over the gdge and makes it one of the best GPS we’ve tested to date.
Price :$599.95
C. NA1/4vi 200-270
affordable entry-level personal travel assistant comes with preloaded maps for the continental U. S. Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. For even more mapping options, NA1/vi 250 features preloaded maps for all of North America, while the transatiantic NA1/4vi 270 includes preloaded maps for both continents. Like all nuvi 200-series members, the 200 features an easy-to-use colorful touchscreen and ultra-slim design---perfect for everyday navigation.
Price: $499.00
D. Magellan Maestro 4370
Despite a couple of minor performance issues, the Magellan Maestro 4370 offers convenience through its new OneTouch interface, providing you with quick one-click access to your preferred destinations. The GPS also delivers with features and accurate directions.
Price: $480.00
E. Navigon 7200T
The Navigon 7200T offers an attractive design and plenty of features, including voice address entry, 3D landmark renderings, text‐to‐speech functionality, and integrated Bluetooth.The user interface and maps still aren’t as clean as a Garmin or a TomTom, but performance has improved and address entry by voice can be quite accurate with some training.
Price: $ 149.99—$ 339.95
F.Mio C520 Navigation Receiver
The sleek Mio C520 is a good‐value GPS devise, packing in advanced navigation features, a large screen, and other extras for an affordable price.It is even sleek enough that we’d use it as a video player.Our only complaint is that we think you can get a slightly better
experience and smoother performance from competing systems.
Price: $ 349.99
以下是车主的购买意向。请把车主与其想购买的 GPS匹配起来。
小题1:Fighting in the commercial circle and getting a great success, Malcolm makes a fortune and buys a luxury car, a land‐based rocket ship which we’d seen only in our dreams, to develop an even brighter future.With the car equipped with computers and video screens, he still wants a sup
er audio‐GPS with high accuracy.
小题2:Russel is a farmer in a mountainous area who grows hundreds of acres of crops.To transport his goods town timely, he buys a Maserati which runs very fast and first of all, meets the natural conditions.Though the car is of style quality and high technology, he prefers his Maserati to be operated more easily–one click is enough for GPS, creating most advanced road cars in the world.
小题3:Desmond is a young athlete.Having won a champion in an important international game, he buys a car equipped with the first four‐cam 32‐valve V8 engine offered in a sport‐utility vehicle.Of course, the car is extremely fast and is especially fit for him, but he wants a GPS that brings him not only convenience but also amusement.
小题4:Carls has just been admitted to a famous university hundreds of kilometers away from her hometown and has bought a car provided by an advanced‐design Triton engine, with a perfect cooling system, and plenty of pulling power.As a new driver, the young girl student certainly needs a GPS which costs not too much.
小题5:Warren is a businessman traveling to different parts of America in any weather situation.He has a new Lincoln Aviator, 302‐hp best‐in‐class V8, 3rd‐row seating, and available climate controlled front seats. He needs a satisfactory GPS to make his business better.