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                     Father upset by Manchester school's 'Victorian' wall of shame

     Josie Robinson, who appeared on a so-called wall of shame at her school in south Manchester, was

in tears. Her father has hit out at the "Victorian" methods.

     Chorlton High School put up pictures of year 10 pupils who teachers believed had behaved badly.

Children singled out for praise were placed on the wall of fame. Its head teacher said the scheme (策划)

was designed to motivate pupils.

     Carlo Robinson, whose daughter Josie was put on the wall after missing lessons, wants to make a

complaint. The teenager had been missing school and turning up late because she was upset that her

mother was ill. She said: " I thought it was embarrassing."

    Mr Robinson added: "She was in tears. She couldn't tell me at first - it took her about an hour-because she wasn't sure what I would think of it. When she told me I was really shocked. I contacted at least 20

friends and they all agreed it was wrong - it's like Victorian times."

     Head teacher Andy Park said: "We've successfully used a similar scheme in the past with Year 11

students to incentivise pupils and it really did make a difference - pupils took it in the right spirit and were motivated by it to improve their performance. Obviously this latest scheme wasn't intended to cause

offence to pupils. It was actually developed to praise the students moving forwards successfully and to

support pupils who needed to make improvements. No parents have complained directly to the school

and I'd be very happy to meet with any parents to discuss further."

     Mr Robinson told the reporter he had contacted the school to schedule a meeting with the head


1. What does Mr. Robinson mean by saying this is the "Victorian" methods?  

A. The methods ignore women's rights. 

B. The methods are totally out of time. 

C. The methods have a long history. 

D. The methods worked well in the past.

2. Why had Josie been missing school, according to her father? 

A. She got up late.

B. She hated the wall of shame. 

C. She wasn't on the wall of fame.

D. Her mother was not well.  

3. What does the underlined word "incentivise" most probably mean? 

A. To encourage.

B. To exchange. 

C. To hurt. D. To force.

4. What can we learn from the passage?  

A. The scheme proved successful before. 

B. Most students didn't take the scheme in the right spirit. 

C. Twenty other parents have similar complaints.

D. The school has apologized to Mr. Robinson.
