问题 多项选择题

国务院银行业监督管理机构决定对商业银行采取接管措施时,应当以书面形式做出接管决定,接管决定应当包括( )。







解析: 国务院银行业监督管理机构决定对商业银行采取接管措施时,应当以书面形式作出接管决定。接管决定应当包括以下内容:①被接管的商业银行的名称。②接管理由。即需要采取接管措施的原因,如由于银行内部人员违法贷款致使不能支付存款人到期存款等。③接管组织。即经国务院银行业监督管理机构决定,由接管人员组成的临时机构。④接管期限。即采取接管措施的起止日期。根据《商业银行法》第67条的规定,接管期限届满,国务院银行业监督管理机构可以决定延长接管期间,但接管期限最长不得超过2年,接管组织应当在法定的期限内采取接管措施。


Rented Boyfriends

Taobao. com, China's largest online marketplace, is never short of bizarre offers.

And here is the latest one: boyfriends for rent.

A rented boyfriend can do the following: accompanying the girl to visit friends and families, go shopping, having meals and even getting a kiss out of courtesy. The charge is by the hour.

The services become hot with the approach of the Spring Festival, the most important festival for family reunions.

In China, parents especially worry about unmarried daughters.

Single women will have to face the same old question at the family dinner table: have you got a boyfriend?

And for those who haven't found their Mr. Rights, renting a boyfriend emerges as a solution.

So, which men are willing to offer that service?

“I offer such a service only because I'm bored and know fewer female friends at work," said Ding Hui, 27, a salesman in the plastic industry in Shanghai, with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan.

He rented himself twice last year: during the Spring Festival and National Day. His customers were two 28-year-old women.

He charged 3,000 yuan each, and the customer had to cover his round-trip tickets, accommodations and bought him clothes to make him look smart.

More than 260 rent-a-boyfriend services can be found on the taobao.com, with the number climbing.

An anonymous female netizen, who claimed to have rented a boyfriend, said on the website, "My parents are very satisfied, so my pressure is greatly reduced."

Another comment read, "It's good that I've achieved the wish of my parents."

小题1:On which site can women rent boyfriends?  (within 4 words )


小题2:How does a rented boyfriend get paid? (within 3 words)


小题3:What question may single women have to face at the family dinner table? (within 5 words)


小题4:What did Ding Hui’s customer have to pay besides his service?(within 18 words )


小题5:For what reasons do single women rent boyfriends? ( within 15 words)


单项选择题 A1型题