John’s house became too big for him after his wife died, so he bou
ght a smaller one
nearby. There is a very nice old clock in his first house. When some people came to help
move a clock, John thought, “I won’t let them take off my beautiful old clock in the truck.
Perhaps they are likely breakit.” So she carried it on his arms. One the way, a small boy
looked at John for a few second and said, “How interested you are! Why did you buy so a
large watch?”
John’s house became too big for him after his wife died, so he bought a smaller one
nearby. There is a very nice old clock in his first house. When some people came to help
move a clock, John thought, “I won’t let them take off my beautiful old clock in the truck.
the ﹨off
Perhaps they are likely∧breakit.” So she carried it on his arms. One the way, a small boy
to he
looked at John for a few second and said, “How interested you are! Why did you buy so a
seconds interesting such
large watch?”