问题 选择题
在如图所示的电路中,电源的内电阻r不能忽略,其电动势E小于电容器C的耐压值.先闭合开关S,待电路稳定后,再断开开关S,则在电路再次达到稳定的过程中,下列说法中正确的是(  )








     Maupassant was born in 1850 in northern France. His early life was not happy. His parents separated when he was 11. Most of his education came informally from Gustave Flaubert-his mother's friend and

his godfather, a journalist and novelist. Often Flaubert would let him take a walk and then ask him to write 100 lines about what he saw. This type of trainning developed in Maupassant a sense of observation,

which he later put to use in his writing. Flaubert also allowed Maupassant to attend his Sunday gatherings with others in his literary circle.

     For a few years, Maupassant was connected with the Ministry of Public Instruction. It is interesting to

note that Monsieur Loisel, a poor man character in The Necklace, worked there. He also served in the

French army during the FrancoPrussian War. His favorite writing subjects were peasants, servants in the

city, and the FrancoPrussian War.

     At an early age, Maupassant started writing short stories. In 1880, some of his works were published

and he received a wide reputation for Boule de Suif (Ball of Tallow). With this success, he began to

work fulltime on writing. During the next ten years, he wrote over 300 stories, including six novels, three

plays, books of travel, and a book of verse. Through them, he earned a lot of money.

     His writing was classical and simple, avoiding social comments and dirty details. His works often

showed a real world and an accurate knowledge of the subject. Although Maupassant wrote in many

forms, he received widest recognition for his short stories. By 1890, Maupassant was suffering from the

latter stages of syphilis(梅毒). He died in 1893 in Paris.

1. We can know that before 1861________.

A. Maupassant left France

B. Maupassant lived with his parents

C. Maupassant served in the French army

D. Maupassant's father left him and his mother

2. Which of the following is TRUE about Gustave Flaubert?

A. He often went out for a walk with Maupassant.

B. He was a journalist and novelist working for a church.

C. He had a great influence on Maupassant's writing.

D. He often helped Maupassant with his writing homework.

3. From the text we know Monsieur Loisel is________.

A. a man selling necklaces

B. a character in one of Maupassant's works

C. a short story written by Maupassant

D. a friend of Maupassant in the Ministry of Public Instruction

4. What is a characteristic of Maupassant's stories?

A. They have few social comments.

B. They are simple and humorous.

C. They only focus on the lives of peasants.

D. They are full of imagination.

5. What can we learn about Maupassant from the text?

A. Only in his 30s did he begin to write stories.

B. He did not receive any formal education.

C. He spent his last years happily.

D. Boule de Suif was his first success.

6. 用30词左右概括文章大意









(1984年10月10日)拨乱反正在1975年就开始了。那时我主持中央党政工作,提出了一系列整顿措施,每整顿一次就立即见效,非常见效。           ──摘自《邓 * * 文选》

材料2: 1975年全国工农业总产值比上年增长11.9%。其中,工业增长15.l%,农业增长4.6%。这种状况表明整顿工作是卓有成效的。 ──摘自胡绳《中 * * 党的七十年》

根据以上材料,评述1975年邓 * * 领导的全面整顿。
