问题 单项选择题










2011年1月,宁波佳杰公司(A类企业、非联网监管)与境外A公司、上海宇辰光电材料公司(A类企业)签订为期一年的合同。合同约定:佳杰公司从A公司购进偏光片、彩色滤光片等料件,A公司向佳杰公司无偿提供生产所需检测机两台,用于生产背光模组20000片,其中4000片在境内销售,12000片直接返销A公司,4000片交付宇辰公司加工。 2011年2月,在办理前述进口货物的海关手续时: ——偏光片、彩色滤光片属ECFA受惠商品范围,报关单原产地相关栏目佳杰公司填报为“台湾金马关税区”。单据显示,货物在日本长崎重新包装后运抵宁波。 ——佳杰公司按“电量检测的工作原理”将检测机归入9030项下,若按“光学检测的工作原理”则应归入9031项险隘,仅凭现有申报单证难以判断。 2011年11月,前述合同执行完毕。实际执行情况:“背光模组”境内销售5000片,返销A公司11000片,交付宇辰公司4000片。 2011年12月,佳杰公司向海关申报并补缴税款,将检测设白转让给杭州冠群光电有限公司。报关单因报关员填报不规范,被海关退回责令更正。 2012年3月,海关采取随机抽取方式对佳杰公司实施稽查,发现检测设备在合同执行期间曾被冠群公司借用,遂按照“违反海关监管规定”作出相应处罚。








     I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude has begun to

change, although I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in

my college, I was asked to make a speech on how to learn English well. Standing in front of the audience

and facing so many freshmen, I was trembling. I didn't remember any word that I had prepared. I ran out

of the conference room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled. I cried that night in my

room, feeling that I was a loser. Studying takes up so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop

myself. I am just storing knowledge, yet I fail to communicate with others. I have received many awards

in school, but they don't necessarily reflect anything about me. I don't know how to socialize. When I leave

school I fear I will be of no use to society.

     I realize that everyone has his own way of living. I want to change my lifestyle. Of course I will keep

studying. Yet I plan to look for a part-time job, which might turn out to be a good chance to get to know

society. I still believe that working my hardest makes me happy. I will still stay on in college. But I will not

allow it to shelter me from the real world.

1. The underlined word"essential" in Paragraph 1 probably means _____. [ ]

A. impossible

B. unnecessary

C. most important

D. most useful

2. From the passage we can learn that the author _____. [ ]

A. comes to know how important it is to make some money

B. realizes that it is more important to develop oneself than just to learn knowledge

C. does not think education is a most important thing in her life any more

D. thinks that communication with others is more important than education

3. The author believes the awards she has received _____. [ ]

A. show that she is a top student

B. show how much time she has spent in learning

C. only mean that she knows how to learn, but she doesn't know how to socialize

D. don't necessarily reflect her real self

4. The author feels fearful that she will be of no use to society mainly because _____. [ ]

A. she is unable to develop herself

B. studying takes too much of her time

C. she does not know how to communicate with others

D. she feels that she is a failure