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(15分)【中外历史人物评说】 阅读下列材料,回答问题。

材料一  现在拥有的破坏性武器使地球上不存在任何一块可以免于突然性的总毁灭的地方。逃脱这一命运的惟一希望在于通过超国家的方式来确保和平。必须创建一个能够通过司法仲裁解决国家间冲突的世界政府。这个政府必须建立在所有政府与国家都一致同意的含义明确的 * * 基础上,并由该 * * 赋予其对进攻性武器的惟一处置权。


材料二  参加第二届联合国大会的五十五国政府的代表无疑会意识到这样一个事实:最近两年之中――从取得对轴心国势力的胜利开始――在阻止战争方面,或是在就控制原子能以及在为重建遭受毁坏地区进行经济合作达成协议的方面,都没有取得明显的进展。

联合国不应因这些而受到谴责。任何一个国际组织所具有的力量都不会比 * * 赋予它的势力更强大,也不会比它的成员国对它所希望的更强大。事实上,只要世界各国人民和政府意识到联合国仅仅是达到最终目标――确立为保持和平而被赋予充分的立法权和行 * * 的超国家的权威――的过渡组织,联合国就是一个极其重要和有用的机构了。





⑴形势:世界面临(破坏性)核武器的威胁;(3分) 当时的联合国不具备实现国际安全的军事力量与法律基础;(3分) 办法:在联合国框架基础上,建立一个世界政府。(或由联合国过渡到世界政府)(3分)



People fell in love with Elizabeth Taylor in 1944, when she acted in the movie National Velvet — the story of Velvet Brown, a young girl who won first place in a famous horse race. At first, the producers of the movie told Elizabeth Taylor that she was too short to play the part of Velvet. However, they waited for four months until three inches (英寸) added to her height. Elizabeth Taylor’s acting in National Velvet is still considered to be the best and National Velvet became Elizabeth Taylor’s first success.

Elizabeth Taylor was born in London in 1932. Her parents, both Americans, had moved to London for business. When World War II started, the Taylors moved to California, where Elizabeth Taylor started acting in movies. After her success as a child star, Elizabeth Taylor had no trouble moving into adult roles and won the Academy Award twice for Best Actress for her performance in Butterfield 8 (1960) and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf? (1966).

Elizabeth Taylor is a legend (传奇人物) of our time. Like Velvet Brown in National Velvet, Elizabeth Taylor was very lucky, and she was hard-working, beautiful, famous and rich. When Elizabeth Taylor got older, she seldom acted in movies. Instead, she spent most of time on her business, and she often helped others. Several years ago, she raised more than $40 million for research and education. In March, 2011, Elizabeth Taylor died at the age of 79.

小题1:The producers didn’t let Taylor play the part of Velvet at first because ______.

A.she was not tall enough

B.she didn’t show interest

C.she was not beautiful enough

D.she did not play well enough小题2:Where did Elizabeth Taylor start acting in movies?

A.In New York.

B.In Los Angeles.

C.In California.

D.In London小题3:When did Elizabeth Taylor win her first Academy Award for Best Actress?

A.At the age of 12.

B.At the age of 28.

C.At the age of 31.

D.At the age of 34.小题4:What do you know about Velvet Brown in National Velvet?

A.She was not rich.

B.She was a famous actress.

C.She was not well-known.

D.She won first place in a famous horse race.小题5:The writer wrote this article to _______.

A.encourage us to help others

B.advise us to watch National Velvet

C.tell us how to be successful and famous

D.give us some information about a successful star
