问题 单项选择题

A 24-year-old client on the labor unit is being coached in the Lamaze method by her husband. On assessment, the nurse finds the client to be 5 cm dilated, 90% effaced, at +1 station with contractions coming every 2 to 3 minutes and lasting 35 to 40 seconds. The client has asked for pain relief. What’s the nurse’s best action ?()

A.Check maternal blood pressure and pulse and fetal heart rate in response to contractions.

B.Realize that it’s too early to give pain medication, and encourage the husband to continue with the Lamaze coaching.

C.Arrange for a sonogram to determine fetal position.

D.Perform a vaginal examination to determine dilation, effacement, and station.




Before administering medication to a client in labor, the nurse must assess the client and fetus. Pain medication can be given when the client is in active labor. A sonogram is inappropriate for a client in labor. The vaginal examination had just been performed and therefore isn’t necessary at this time.
