问题 单项选择题

37-year-old teacher is hospitalized with complaints of weakness, incoordination, dizziness, and loss of balance. The diagnosis is multiple sclerosis (MS). Which of the following signs and symptoms, discovered during the history and physical assessment, is typical of MS ?()

A.Diplopia, history of increased fatigue, and decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes.

B.Flexor spasm, clonus, and negative Babinski’s reflex.

C.Blurred vision, intention tremor, and urinary hesitancy.

D.Hyperactive abdominal reflexes and history of unsteady gait and episodic paresthesia in both legs.




Optic neuritis, leading to blurred vision, is a common early sign of MS, as is intention tremor (tremor when performing an activity). Nerve damage can cause urinary hesitancy. In MS, deep tendon reflexes are increased or hyperactive. A positive Babinski’s reflex is found in MS. Abdominal reflexes are absent with MS.
