Travel information
Place of interest | Beihai Park | Dongting Lake | Mount Mang |
Location (位置) | Beihai District | Yue yang City | Yizhang County (县) |
Phone Number | 3886699 | 3329666 | 3726868 |
Price of Ticket | ¥150 | Free | ¥120 |
Description | An amusement park with a lake | A lake with plenty of fresh fish | A famous forest park |
Beihai Park Dongting Lake Mount Mang
小题1:You can visit a famous forest park in .
A. Beihai District B. Yue yang City C. Yizhang County
小题2:If you do not know how to go to Beihai Park , you can call to get information .
A. 3886699 B. 3329666 C. 3726868
小题3:Dongting Lake is famous for .
A. birds B. fresh fish C. flowers.
小题4:If you and your parents visit Mount Mang , you need to pay .
A. ¥120 B. ¥150 C. ¥360.
小题5:Which is true according to the travel information ?
A . You can go to Dongting Lake for free .
B . Mount Mang is in Yue yang City.
C . The price of the ticket for Beihai Park is the lowest .
小题1:由表格中最后一竖行得知:有名的森林公园在邙山,该旅游地位于宜章县。故C 。
小题2:由表格中第二竖行得知:北海公园的电话号码是:3886699。故A 。
小题3:由表格中第三竖行得知:洞庭湖以湖中有大量的鲜鱼而有名,故B 。
小题4:由表格中最后一竖行得知:邙山的一张旅游门票价格是:120元。三个人需要360元。故C 。