问题 多项选择题

[案例] 女性,62岁,口腔溃烂疼痛4个月,全身红斑伴瘙痒1周。病程中无四肢肌肉疼痛和无力。发病前身体健康。体格检查:面、颈、躯干、四肢广泛分布大量大小不等的紫红色斑疹、斑丘疹,表面覆有灰白色鳞屑,三联征阴性,皮损以面颈部为著,未有水疱、大疱及糜烂。口唇、舌及两侧颊黏膜较多处大小不等的糜烂,口唇部分糜烂面表面结痂。系统检查无异常。入院1周后出现双侧眼球结膜充血和眼睑糜烂。









参考答案:B, C, D, E, F





     The island nation of Tuvalu (图瓦卢) in the Pacific Ocean wants the bigger countries of the world to do

something about climate change. And it's not just for the good of the planet: Tuvalu could be covered by the

sea in less than 50 years if the planet gets much hotter.

     Tuvalu has no industry, burns little petrol, and creates less carbon pollution than a small town in America.

However, this tiny place is on the front line of climate change. The increase in ocean temperatures and the

rising sea level -all resulted from a warming atmosphere-are making trouble for Tuvalu.

     Sea level rise is the greatest problem. With an average elevation (高度) of 6 feet above sea level, Tuvalu

doesn't have far to go. Tuvalu's highest elevation is 4.6 meters-15 feet-but most of it is no more than a meter

above the sea. Several times each year the regular lunar cycle of tides (潮水), riding on the ever higher sea

level, brings the Pacific waters over onto roads and into neighborhoods. Sometimes a high tide can flood roads

and run across the whole land. You can never separate the sea from the land, so some natives warned visitors,

"You'd better not run after dark, for you may fall into the sea."

1. What is the greatest problem Tuvalu is facing now? [ ]

A. It has no industry at all.

B. It has little petrol to burn.

C. It will sink into the sea in the near future.

D. The climate there has changed much.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? [ ]

A. Tuvalu is a small country.

B. Tuvalu doesn't create much carbon pollution.

C. Most of Tuvalu is no more than a meter above the sea.

D. A small town in America is on the front line of climate change.

3. What is the title of this passage? [ ]

A. Endangered Tuvalu

B. Tuvalu, an Island Nation

C. Flooded Tuvalu

D. Global Warming