问题 单项选择题

Recent estimates predict that between 1982 and 1995 the greatest increase in the number of people employed will be in the category of low-paying service occupations. This category, however, will not increase its share of total employment, whereas the category of high-paying service occupations will increase its share.
If the estimates above are accurate, which of the following conclusions can be drawn

A.In 1982 more people were working in low-paying service occupations than were working in high-paying service occupations.

B.In 1995 more people will be working in high-paying service occupations than will be working in low-paying service occupations.

C.Nonservice occupations will account for the same share of total employment in 1995 as in 1982.

D.Many of the people who were working in low-paying service occupations in 1982 will be working in high-paying service occupations by 1995.

E.(E) The rate of growth for low-paying service occupations will be greater than the overall rate of employment growth between 1982 and 1995.



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