问题 单项选择题










Dorothea Dix left home at an early age—of her own free will—to live with her grandmother.

At fourteen, Dorothea was teaching school at Worcester, Massachusetts. A short time after she had begun teaching, she set up a school for young girls in her grandparents’ home. Stress was placed on moral character at Dorothea’s school, which she conducted until she was thirty-three.

She was forced to give up teaching at her grandparents’ home, however, when she became ill a few years of inactivity followed.

In 1841 Dorothea began to teach again, accepting a Sunday school class in the East Cambridge, Massachusetts prison. Here she first came upon insane people (精神病人) locked up together with prisoners.

In those days insane people were treated even worse than prisoners. There were only a few madhouses in the entire country. Therefore prisons, poor houses, and houses of correction were used to keep the insane.

Dorothea Dix made a careful investigation of the inhuman treatment of the insane. It was considered unfeminine (不适合) for a woman to devote herself to such work at this time. But this did not stop Dorothea Dix from providing proper medical care for the insane.

Gradually, because of her investigations, conditions were improved. More than thirty mental institutions were founded or rebuilt in the United States because of her hard work. Dorothea also spread her investigations to England and to other parts of Europe.

During the Civil War, Dorothea served as superintendent (负责) of women hospital nurses in the Union army. When the war was over, she returned to her work of improving conditions for insane people.

小题1:This article is mainly about ________.

social problems of the nineteenth century

how Dorothea Dix got her education

how Dorothea Dix devoted herself to education

how Dorothea Dix devoted herself to the work of improving conditions for insane people

小题2:How did Dorothea Dix first realize the mistreatment of insane people?

Her grandmother treated the mistreatment of insane people.

She worked in an insane hospital as a young woman.

She taught Sunday school in a prison.

She was asked to investigate the problem.

小题3:The author implies Dorothea Dix’s work with the insane was interrupted because of ________.

A.an illness

B.the Civil War

C.her trip to England

D.her grandmother’s death小题4:How are the events of Dorothea Dix’s life presented in the passage?

A.In space order.

B.In time order.

C.In alphabetical (字母的) order.

D.From greatest to least important.


材料一: 2009年7月5日,在民族分裂分子热比娅为首的“世界维吾尔代表大会”煽动下,一些暴徒在新疆乌鲁木齐市多处猖狂地打砸抢烧。造成多名无辜群众被杀害,部分群众受伤,多部车辆被烧毁,多家商店被砸被烧。有关部门负责同志指出,事实表明,这是一起由境外遥控指挥、煽动,境内具体组织实施,有预谋、有组织的暴力犯罪。

材料二:11 月5 日,由国务院组团,包括由国务院办公厅等多个部门的约400人赴新疆全面调研,旨在研究出台扶持新疆经济平稳发展举措,调研结束后形成报告上报国务院。有关人士称,政府近期对新疆经济工作会有所动作,一是在目前对新疆企业部分免税的基础上扩大免税范围;二是增加对新疆的投资,具体投资额约为2500亿~3000亿元。



