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     A cancer-stricken British teenage girl said Thursday she had been moved by messages of

support from around the world after writing an online "Bucket List" of things she wanted to do

before dying.

     Alice Pyne, l5, created an Internet blog in which she described her fight against a cancer of

the white blood cells. " I've been fighting cancer for almost four years and now l know that the

cancer is gaining on me and it doesn't look like I'm going to win this one," she wrote.

     For her list, the teenager took inspiration from the 2007 film "The Bucket List", in which two

terminally ill (患绝症的) men, played by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, draw up a list

of things they wish to do before they die.

     On her list, at the site www. alicepyne. blogspot. com, she has included making everyone sign

up to be a bone marrow donor (骨髓捐赠者), swimming with sharks, meeting boy band Take

That and getting a purple iPad computer.

     Messages of support and offers of help quickly flooded her webpage and it became one of the

most talked about subjects on Twitter.

     "Oh dear and I thought that I was just doing a little blog for a few friends!" she wrote after her

site attracted huge attention. "Thank you so much for all your lovely messages to me."

     Pyne, who lives with her family in the northwest English town of Ulverston, revealed (透露) the

management of Take That had arranged for her to see the band after reading her blog. A group of

local lawmakers have also joined forces with the Anthony Nolan blood cancer charity to encourage

people to join its stem cell register.

l. What happened after Alice Pyne wrote her "Bucket List"?

A. The media called on people to help her.

B. People sent gifts to her from all over the world.

C.A lot of people offered to donate bone marrow to her.

D. People around the world sent messages to support her.

2. Alice Pyne wrote her "Bucket List" to      .

A. express her last few wishes            

B. say goodbye to a few friends

C. give comfort to two terminally ill men  

D. catch people's attention

3. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that Alice Pyne       .

A. is unaware of her own conditions    

B. is calm to know that death is approaching

C. is very sad to know that she will die

D. is still quite confident in fighting against cancer

4. Which of the following is NOT on Alice Pyne's "Bucket List"?

A. To meet a boy.

B. To get a cool computer.

C. To swim with sharks.

D. To ask people to donate bone marrow.

5. Take That will arrange to       .

A. invite Pyne to join the band            

B. help Pyne in any possible way

C. donate money to Pyne              

D. meet Pyne in person


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