问题 选择题

It's ____ glue.              [ ]

A. a                

B. an              

C. /





材料一: 中 * * 党第十七届中央委员会第六次全体会议,于2011年10月15日至l8日在北京举行。全会审议通过了《中 * * 关于深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》。《决定》起草工作是在中央政治局常委会直接领导下进行的。中央要求,《决定》起草要充分发扬民主,注意吸收各方面意见,做到科学决策、民主决策。5月上旬,文件起草组组成8个调研组,分赴12个省市和部队开展调研。文件起草组在充分吸收和采纳各方面意见的基础上形成文件框架提纲和《决定》初稿。政治局常委会多次审议,提出重要修改意见。经反复修改,形成《决定》征求意见稿。这期间,胡 * * 同志主持召开座谈会听取各民主党派中央、全国工商联负责人和无党派人士的意见。

材料二: 全会深入研究我国文化建设的新形势新要求,总结我国文化改革发展的丰富实践和宝贵经验,研究部署深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,进一步兴起社会主义文艺建设新高潮,对夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面、实现中 * * 伟大复兴具有重大而深远的意义。







The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question, Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.

Forget hostile aliens. According to a forthcoming book by noted astrophysicist Egbert Larson, the intrepid humans who first attempt interstellar space travel will face far more daunting challenges before they ever meet the Little Green Men.

Larson begins with the problem of relativistic time dilation. If you travel all the way to Alpha Centauri, you’d like to come back and tell your friends about it, right It’s not too likely to happen, though. If Mr. Einstein was right about relativity--and we’re not going to say he wasn’t--then time slows down when you approach the speed of light. A person traveling at any velocity near the speed of light will age only days for every week, month, or even year that passes on earth. Relativity does not present a problem for interstellar space travel, per se, but it does mean that interstellar civilizations or even just interstellar communications will require a mind-boggling amount of calendar juggling.

Did we mention that you’d have to travel at near the speed of light That’s because the distance between stars is so vast that even if you could travel at the speed of light--which, Larson reminds us, you can’t--it would take more than four years to reach our closest star neighbors, Alpha Proxima and Alpha Centauri, and decades or centuries to reach the other stars in our "immediate neighborhood." And if you tried to accelerate directly to the speed of light like they do in the movies, you’d be instantly splattered on the back of your theoretical spacecraft. Achieving anything close to light speed will require sustained accelera- tion at a level that human bodies can withstand--say, a crushing two gravities--for over a year. Better hope somebody brings some chips.

Speaking of chips, food is going to be a problem. Since it is economically, if not physically, impossible to accelerate 200 years’ worth of food to nearly the speed of light, and since you’re not likely to find any grocery stores along the way, someone will have to figure out how to make food in space. Keeping a crew alive on the way turns out to be the trickiest part of all. Once you’ve got the nearly impossible physics of space travel worked out, you still have to figure out the chemistry and biology of keeping your air and water clean and keeping your crew fed and safe from radiation and infection, and--did we mention the 200 years--you’ll probably need several generations of crew members to complete the trip. Ever been on a bus for more than 24 hours It’s not a pretty picture.

We applaud Larson for his insightful writing and his scrupulous attention to scientific detail. For those of you seeking a cold, hard look at the reality of interstellar space travel, this is a stellar read. But be warned: Larson doesn’t let you down gently. For those of you sincerely hoping to beam up with Scotty--and you know who you are--you might want to give this one a pass.

The author of the passage most likely mentions "Little Green Men" in the first paragraph for what purpose ?()

A. To poke fun at the ignorance of most science fiction readers

B. To introduce a daunting challenge that will have to be addressed before human interstellar space travel can become possible

C. To draw a comparison between the attempts of humans to voyage in space and the more successful attempts of other civilizations

D. To draw an amusing distinction between supposed danger of space travel, as presented in the popular media, and the actual challenges posed by interstellar space travel, as perceived by scientists

E. To suggest that the concept of human interstellar space travel is as much of a myth as the "Little Green Men" that appear in science fiction movies and television programs