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Five Smart Habits of Successful Children

Have you ever wondered what actions make the most difference in your children's lives?

Children don't have to be smart to succeed. They don't have to be born rich and famous. All they need is the right outlook and a few smart habits.

Successful children make friends wherever they go. Children who learn to get along with others from an early age are more successful in life.Without them, we'd have no support. Whatever the goal, friends are needed to achieve it. Do your children a favor by encouraging social interaction early.

 2  They don't just hope for success; they are certain of it. They don't complain. They have a smile on their face and get on with the business of living. They feel pain just like the other children. The difference is that they don't let it hinder(妨碍) their progress.

Successful children become successful because they never give up. They fall. They fail. The difference is that they use their mistakes the way they were intended. They embrace failure because it pushes them forward.

Successful children ignore the naysayer (反对者). They don't worry about what other people think. They follow the path that is right for them, regardless of gossip.They are too busy working towards their goals. They do have concern for the feelings of others.

Successful children share their success. They don't forget all the people who helped them get where they were going.They don't criticize(批评) and reject(抛弃) those who are struggling. They take them by the hand and guide them up the ladder.

A.Do you want to be a successful child?

B.Social skills are vital(重要的) to human survival.

C.Successful children look on the bright side.

D.They make just as many mistakes as the other children.E. They take the time to teach others what they have learned.

F. They don't engage in gossip either, because they don't have time for it.

G. In fact, they don't even have to become rich and famous.








小题1:B 根据前一句Children who learn to get along with others from an early age are more successful in life.说明社会交际能力在孩子的成长过程中的作用巨大,故B正确。

小题2:C 根据本段最后一句The difference is that they don't let it hinder(妨碍) their progress.说明聪明的孩子不会让事物不好的一方面影响我们的学习,他们总是会看到事物积极向上的一方面。故C项正确。

小题3:D 根据上句They fall. They fail.说明他们也经常失败,故D项正确。但是不同之处是他们会利用失败,从中学到东西。

小题4:F 根据上一句They follow the path that is right for them, regardless of gossip.和下句They are too busy working towards their goals.说明他们太忙了,没有时间去考虑这些谣言,故F正确。

小题5:E 根据上句They don't forget all the people who helped them get where they were going.说明他们没有忘记身边的人,愿意和身边的人分享他们所学到的知识。

