问题 填空题


(1) 若开始时开关K与a连接,则B极的电极反应式为_________________________。

(2) 若开始时开关K与b连接,则B极的电极反应式为____________________,总反应的离子方程式为_______________________。




③若标准状况下B极产生22.4 L气体,则溶液中转移0.2 mol电子

④ 溶液中Na+向A极移动

(3) 工业上电解饱和食盐水的方法之一是将两个电极室用离子交换膜隔开(如图Ⅱ所示),阳极室(A处)加入__________________,阴极室(B处)加入________,离子交换膜只许________通过。



(1) Fe-2e===Fe2

(2) 2H+2e===H2↑ 2Cl+2H2O2OH+H2↑+Cl2↑ ①

(3)饱和食盐水 纯水(或NaOH稀溶液)        Na+


(2)开关K与b连接,装置为电解池,铁为阴极,发生还原反应,氢离子得到电子生成氢气,电解饱和食盐水生成氢氧化钠、氢气和氯气,电解过程中阳离子向阴极移动,④错误;A生成氯气,能使湿润KI淀粉试纸变蓝,①正确;反应一段时间后加适量HCl气体可恢复到电解前电解质的浓度,②错误;若标准状况下B极产生2.24L氢气,转移0.2mol电子,③错误。故答案为:2H++2e-=H2↑; 2Cl-+2H2O2OH-+H2↑+Cl2↑;①;

(3)用惰性电极电解硫酸钾实质时电解水,阴极氢离子放电生成氢气,钾离子通过阳离子交换膜进入阴极生成氢氧化钾,阳极氢氧根放电生成氧气,硫酸根通过阴离子膜进入阴极区得到硫酸;氢氧燃料电池,正极氧气得到电子,在碱性溶液中生成氢氧根。故答案为饱和食盐水 纯水(或NaOH稀溶液)。




     It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain. Without enough blood, the brain

lives for only three to five minutes. More often the doctors can't fix the damage. Sometimes they are

afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain. The doctors might make

the person worse if he operates on the brain.

     Dr. Robert White, a famous professor and doctor, thinks he knows a way to help. He thinks doctors

should make the brain very cold. If it is very cold, the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes. This

gives the doctor a longer time to do something for the brain.

     Dr. White tried his idea on 13 monkeys. First he taught them to do different jobs, and then he

operated on them. He made the monkeys' blood go through a machine. The machine cooled the blood.

Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkeys' brains. When the brain's temperature was 10°

C, Dr. White stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes he turned the blood back on. He warmed

the blood again. After their operations the monkeys were like they had been before. They were healthy

and busy. Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.

1. The biggest difficulty in operating on the damaged brain is that           .

A. the time is too short for doctors

B. the patients are often too nervous

C. the damage is extremely hard to fix

D. the blood-cooling machine might break down

2. The brain operation was made possible mainly by           .

A. taking the blood out of the brain

B. trying the operation on monkeys first

C. having the blood go through a machine

D. lowering the brain's temperature

3. What is the right order of the steps in the operation?

a. send the cooled blood back to the brain

b. stop the blood to the brain

c. have the blood cooled down

d. operate on the brain

A. a, b, c, d

B. c, a, b, d

C. c, b, d, a

D. b, c, d, a