问题 连词成句


1. mother    I    my    taller    is    than    


2. go    they    on    love    trips    to   


3. lives    Danny    Canada    in   


4. go    we     to     can     How    Beijing    


5. I    go    may    to    Beijing 



1. My mother is taller than I.      

2. They love to go on trips.     

3. Danny lives in Canada.      

4. How can we go to Beijing?     

5. May I go to Beijing?


请完成下面的程序:实现一个可以每秒跳动的时钟。运行如下图所示。请填写横线处的内容。 注意:请勿改动main主方法和其他已有语句内容,仅在下划线处填入适当的语句。 import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;

import java.util.*; public class Example2_12 extends JFrame (1) implements Runnable { Thread thread1; Color handColor; Color numberColor; JLabel jlabell = new JLabel(); public Example2_12() { enableEvents(AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK); try { getContentPane().add(jlabell, BorderLayout. SOUTH); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } public static void main(String args[]) { Example2 12_clock1 = new Example2_12(); clock1.init(); clock1.start(); clock1.setSize(260, 230); clock1.setResizable(false); clock1.show(); } public void init() { int x, y; handColor = Color.blue; numberColor = Color.darkGray; setBackground(Color.white); } public void paint (Graphics g) { int xh, yh, xm, ym, xs, ys, s = 0, m = 10, h = 10, xpoint, ypoint; String today; Calendar c1 = ______; s = c1.get(Calendar.SECOND); m = c1.get(Calendar.MINUTE); h = c1.get(Calendar.HOUR); int day, month, year, weekday; day = c1.get(Calendar.DATE); month = c1.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; year = c1. get (Calendar. YEAR); weekday = c1.get (Calendar. DAY_OF_WEEK); jlabell.setText("Today is "+ year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "/ "+ "Time:" + h + ":" + m + ":" + s); xpoint = 130; ypoint = 100; xs =(int) (Math.cos(s * 3.14f / 30 - 3.14f / 2) * 45 + xpoint); ys =(int) (Math.sin(s * 3.14f / 30 - 3.14f / 2) * 45 + ypoint); xm =(int) (Math.cos (m * 3.14f / 30 - 3.14f / 2) * 40 + xpoint); ym =(int) (Math.sin(m * 3.14f / 30 - 3.14f / 2) * 40 + ypoint); xh =(int) (Math.cos( (h * 30 + m / 2) * 3.14f / 180 - 3.14f / 2) * 30 + xpoint); yh =(int) (Math.sin( (h * 30 + m / 2) * 3.14f / 180 - 3.14f / 2) * 30 + ypoint); g.setColor (handColor); g.clearRect(0, 0, 260, 200); g.drawOval(xpoint / 2 + 10, ypoint / 2 - 5, 110, 110); g.setColor(numberColor); g.drawString("9", xpoint - 45, ypoint + 3); g.drawString("3", xpoint + 40, ypoint + 3); g.drawString("12", xpoint - 5, ypoint - 37); g.drawString("6", xpoint - 3, ypoint + 45); g.setColor(getBackground ( ) ); g.setColor(numberColor); g.drawString(" ", 5, 125); g.drawLine(xpoint, ypoint, xs, ys); g.setColor(handColor); g.drawLine(xpoint, ypoint, xm, ym); g.drawLine(xpoint, ypoint, xh, xh); } public void start() { thread1 = new Thread(this); thread1. ______; } public void stop () { thread1=null; } public void update (Graphics g) { paint (g); } public void run () { Thread me = Thread. currentThread (); while (thread1 == me) { try { Thread. currentThread ( ) . sleep ( 100 ); }catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } repaint ( ); } } protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { super.processWindowEvent(e); if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) System.exit(0); } }