把一个体积为36立方分米的圆柱削成一个最大的圆锥,圆锥的体积是( )立方分米,削去部分的体积是( )立方分米。
A:This one looks great! ______小题1:______
B: Me too .The sun … the sand…the ocean!
A: ___小题2:____ What do you think of sailing, swimming ,windsurfing, and fishing?
B: Oh, Tom! They sound fantastic. I really like all those things
A: Yeah…me, too.
. B: ___小题3:____. To be honest, I hate fishing, but I love all the others.
A: Hey! Look at this! We can stay in a big hotel or ___小题4:______
B: You know ,I really don’t like those big hotels.
A: ____小题5:_____ Let’s stay in a cabin. It’ll be much nicer right beside the ocean.
A.So do I.
B.And listen to this!
C.Well, except fishing.
D.I love the seashore.E. we can stay in a little cabin by the beach.
F. Look at me, please.
G. Neither do I.
陈国忠在安定庄有五间瓦房,陈国忠的儿子陈良在外地工作,1998年陈国忠去世,陈国忠的五间瓦房由其侄子陈治一家暂住。1999年陈治未经陈良同意,将房子卖给了同村的胡双龙,陈良听说后立即将陈治告上法庭,法院审理后判决陈治将卖房所得款项全部返还陈良,陈治不服提起上诉。在上诉审过程中,陈治提出反诉,要求陈良返还其对房屋的修缮金;问二审法院应当如何处理陈治的反诉( )