一个圆柱的横截面的半径是r,现在把这个圆柱横截成三段,表面积增加( )。
( ) 1. Bob likes to read books, but Jenny doesn't like to read books.
( ) 2. Jenny and Lynn don't like to play ping-pong.
( ) 3. Bob and Lynn like to play checkers.
( ) 4. Bob and Lynn like to watch TV, but Jenny doesn't like to watch TV.
( ) 5. Bob, Jenny and Lynn all (都) like to play on the computer.
请结合新近出台的医改方案,就给定资料所反映的问题,围绕“农村医改中政府应如何发挥作用”的主题,自拟题目,写一篇议论文。 要求:观点鲜明,立意正确。字数800-1000字。