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资料5中对网友反映出行难问题的“已阅”回复,宁波交通局的工作人员称“关于转阅的承办件,我们不需要具体办理,看一下就可以了”,“他解释,信件所反映内容已超出鄞州区交通局的职责范围,所以不能给出具体承办意见。”请就该工作人员的解释是否合理进行分析。 [要求] 简明、准确地阐述观点,不超过300字。



解析:该工作人员的回答欠妥。网络问政的初衷就是要拓宽群众反映问题的渠道,在互动中及时解决实际问题。即便有困难不能马上解决的,也应尽快解释清楚。“已阅”是批阅文件的常用字眼,在通常的公文处理中很常见。但对于群众反映的问题,采取这种既不表明态度又不解决问题的回复方式显然不妥。如此“已阅”,就是没有把群众的利益放在心上。当群众有问题、有疑问时,政府有关方面应尽快地解答。 要把“××信箱”办成广开言路、发现问题、解决问题的平台,还必须有一种严格的监督和问责机制。否则,再多的信箱也只能成为装点门面的道具。


In considering how the American family is changing, the starting point is the traditional family. a form which has developed over time on the basis of a number of assumptions. It is assumed that the family is heterosexual (异性的) institution, with prescriptions about how a man and a woman ought to be joined together and live together. The proper family form is assumed to be the nuclear family, that is, a family composed of a married man and woman and their children. It is assumed that the husband is the head of the family, with ultimate authority over wife and children, and that in their clearly separated roles the husband is the income-earner and the wife is the homemaker and provider of child care. It is assumed that the family lives by itself in its own house or residence.

Observers of family life have suggested that numerous changes are taking place in this traditional American family form. Included are the following general observations about trends:

More men and women seem to be living together before getting married.

Women and men seem to be marrying at a later age.

Married couples are having fewer children.

Unmarried women appear to be having more children.

Wives, even mothers with small children, are increasingly likely to be employed outside the home.

Marriages are more likely to end with divorce.

Single-parent families are more prevalent.

Remarriage is likely to follow divorce rather than widowhood.

Remarriage rates are declining, especially for women.

Some trends, viewed in a long-range historical context, appear not to be trends at all. The age at which men and women normally marry is the same now as it was 100 years ago, though it has fluctuated (变动,波动); a short-range increase in the 1940s and 1950s due to widespread postponement of marriage in war time made it appear that a change had occurred. Other trends appear to be following established patterns rather than representing a sharp break with tradition. Divorce rates have been increasing and families have been having fewer children for well over a century. Single-parent families and stepfamilies were very common in the past, although the reason for them was different. Many marriages formerly are dissolved and followed by remarriage because of the death of a parent or partner. Today single parenthood and remarriage are more likely to be a response to divorce.

Some social scientists see in these changes the breakdown of the family, to the detriment of the society. We take the position that family institutions and systems, like all human systems, are open, take many forms, and are constantly changing.

Which of the following is NOT an assumption about traditional family().

A. A family made up of husband, wife and their children is the proper family form.

B. The husband in a family pursues a career outside while the wife takes care of the home.

C. Boys in a family enjoy privileges over girls.

D. The family lives by itself in its own residence.