问题 多项选择题

一些重大旅游故障处理完后,专注员要认真总结并向旅行社和有关旅游部门呈交事故处理书面报告。报告的内容大致包括( )。







解析: 一些重大旅游故障和复合性旅游故障在处理结束后,导游员要认真总结故障情况,并向旅行社和相关部门作出书面报告。报告的内容大致包括:故障发生的原因和经过;故障处理过程;善后处理情况及赔偿情况;故障造成的影响、应吸取的经验教训、今后的防范、改进措施;其他需报告的事项。


Some consumer researchers distinguish_____(1) "rational" motives and "emotional" (or "non-rational") motives. They use the term "rationality"_____(2) the traditional economic sense that assumes_____(3) consumers behave rationally when they carefully consider all alternatives_____(4) choose those that give them the greatest utility (i.e., satisfaction). _____(5) a marketing context, the term "rationality" implies that the consumer selects goods based_____(6) totally objective criteria, such_____(7) size, weight, price, and so on. "Emotional" motives imply the selection of goods____(8) to personal or subjective criteria — the desire_____(9) individuality, pride, fear, affection or status.The assumption underlying this distinction is____(10) subjective or emotional criteria do not maximize utility or satisfaction. _____ (11), it is reasonable to assume that consumers always attempt to select alternatives that, ____(12) their view, serve to maximize satisfaction. Obviously, the assessment of satisfaction is a very personal process, based_____(13) the individual’’s own needs as_____(14) as on past behavioral, social, and learning experiences. What may appear_____(15) irrational to an outside observer may be perfectly rational ______(16) the context of the consumer’’s own psychological field. For example, a product purchased to enhance one’’s self-image (such as a fragrance) is a perfectly rational form of consumer behavior. ____(17) behavior did not appear rational to the person who undertakes it_____ (18) the time that it is undertaken, obviously he or she would not do it._____(19) the distinction between rational and emotional motives does not appear to be warranted.Some researchers go so far_____(20) to suggest that emphasis_____ (21) "needs" obscures the rational, or conscious, nature of most consumer motivation. They claim that con sumers act consciously____(22) maximize their gains and minimize their losses; that they act not____(23) subconscious drives but from rational preferences,____(24) what they perceive to be_____(25) their own best interests.
