1. 你想知道照片上的美丽女士是谁,可以这样问:[ ]
A. What do you know about the beautiful lady?
B. Who is the beautiful lady in the photo?
C. Can I know the beautiful lady in the photo?
2. 你想知道对方父亲的职业,可以这样问:[ ]
A. How does your father do?
B. What is your father going to be?
C. What does your father do?
3. 你想知道对方在哪里上班,可以这样问:[ ]
A. Where do you work?
B. What do you do?
C. When do you work?
4. 你想要表达“我们的英语老师教我们唱英语歌”,可以这样说:[ ]
A. Our English teacher teaches us English.
B. Our English teacher teaches us to sing English songs.
C. Our English teacher teaches us sing English songs.
5. 你想要表达“助人为乐”,可以这样说:[ ]
A. Enjoy helping people.
B. Enjoy to help people.
C. Like help people.