问题 问答题

大名公司需要一套小名公司生产的成套设备用来生产石英表,双方找未名公司商议,由未名公司购买并直接租给大名公司。于是大名公司、小名公司、未名公司签订如下合同:(1)由未名公司付给小名公司货款700万元,于当年年底和第二年年底两次付清,货款付清后所有权转移;(2)小名公司将精密成套设备代办托运给大名公司;(3)大名公司承租该设备,期限为 10年,每年租金100万元,于每年12月底向小名公司支付;租赁期间届满后,该设备归大名公司所有;(4)因标的物未及时交付或存在质量问题,由大名公司向小名公司行使索赔权利。合同签订后,小名公司如约将设备代办托运给大名公司,大名公司调配安装后投入使用。其间,由于未名公司迟延付款,小名公司一度以收回设备相威胁,严重影响了大名公司的生产,给大名公司造成较大损失。6年后,由于国内钟表业竞争激烈,大名公司将该设备租给不名公司,不名公司在使用过程中因不可抗力导致该设备灭失。根据以上案例。回答以下问题:






     From the time we were babies we have been taught manners. We are taught how to hold a knife and

fork and not to talk with our mouths full. We are taught how to shake hands and when to stand and when

to sit and the way to introduce people.

     Sometimes good manners in one place are very bad manners somewhere else. Almost everywhere

eating together means that people are very friendly to each other. But in parts of Polynesia(波利尼西亚)

it is bad manners to be seen eating beside each other. So they politely turn their backs to each other when

they are taking food.

      Some East Africans spit four times as a kind of blessing(祝福). They do it to show that they want a

sick person to get well or to bless a newborn baby. In most other places, spitting means something

completely different. It usually shows an unhealthy habit. In many countries, it may mean that you hate


     When we go to visit someone we say "Hello!"Or"How are you?" or things like that. But if you are

visiting an East African village, everyone will be very careful not to pay attention to you. The polite thing

there will be for you to go quietly, without speaking to anyone, and sit beside your friend. You should

wait until he has finished what he is doing and then he will begin talking to you.

     In a village in Arab, a visitor will walk behind all the tents until he gets to the one he wants to visit. If

he passes in front, he will be invited into each tent and asked to eat. It is rude to refuse.

1. From this passage we know ______. 

A. it's good manners to use a knife and fork to eat

B. it's bad manners to stand and talk

C. it's good manners not to talk with our mouths full

D. how to shake hands when we introduce people

2. In many places, spitting may mean______.

A. you give a new-born baby the blessing

B. you want a sick person to get well

C. you hate someone

D. you show your love to your relatives or friends

3. If you visit an East African village, you ______.

A. should say"Hello!"or"How are you?"to others

B. should talk to the villagers quietly

C. should be very careful and not to pay any attention to others

D. must wait until your friend has finished his work and then begin to talk to him

4. Which of the following is right?

A. Spitting four times is a way of blessing for some East Africans.

B. You should talk to an East African as soon as you see him or her.

C. Eating together is always a symbol of friendship.

D. You are supposed to turn your back to others when you are eating in China.

5. If you are visiting a village in Arab, ______.

A. you will walk all the tents until you get to the one you want to visit

B. the host will offer you meals whenever you come

C. you'd better carry a tent with you

D. you are supposed to offer a helping hand in repairing the villagers' tents
