问题 填空题


1. Is that a good place to h              out?

2. The bus was c              with people.

3. Ted w________ why the police called him, so he went to the police station yesterday.

4. Would you mind opening the window to let f              air in?

5. All living things d              on the sun for their growth.

6. In my opinion, Chinese food is more d              than the western food.

7. This evening I'll d              up for my friend's birthday party.

8. May I t____________ you to shut the door? It's a little cold in the room.

9. You should give a d__________ answer in order to make everyone understand you.

10.I'm sorry if I've o              (冒犯)you.


1.hang              2.crowded        3.wondered     4.fresh     5.depend

6. delicious       7. dress          8.trouble        9. direct    10.offended


(9分)Q、R、X、Y、Z五种元素的原子序数依次递增。已知:①Z元素基态原子的M层全充满,N层没有成对电子,只有一个未成对电子,其余的均为短周期主族元素;   ②Y原子价电子排布msnmpn  ③R原子核外L层电子数为奇数; ④Q、X原子p轨道的电子数分别为2和4。请回答下列问题:

(1)Z的元素符号为_______,在周期表中的____  分区。

(2)向Z的硫酸盐的溶液中逐滴加入R的氢化物的水溶液至过量,可观察到的现象为___________.此时Z2+与R的氢化物形成了配位数为4的配合物离子,该离子中化学键的类型有       (填序号)。

A 配位键  B 极性共价键  C 非极性共价键   D 离子键

(3)氢化物的沸点:X的比同族其它元素高的原因是                       。Q和Y形成的最简单气态氢化物分别为甲、乙,下列判断正确的是___ __(填序号)。

a.稳定性:甲>乙,沸点:甲>乙      b.稳定性:甲>乙,沸点:甲<乙

c.稳定性:甲<乙,沸点:甲<乙      d.稳定性:甲<乙,沸点:甲>乙

(4)Q、R、X的第一电离能由小到大的顺序为_______________。R、X、Y四种元素的原子半径由小到大的顺序为_______        _(均用元素符号表示)。

(5)Q的一种氢化物相对分子质量为26,其中分子中的σ键与π键的键数之比为____        _。