问题 选择题








题目分析:A选项,将光屏竖直向下移动一段距离,反射光将落在A点的左侧。B选项,将平面镜水平向右移动一段距离,反射光线落在光屏上的位置不变。C选项,平面镜绕入射点O顺时针转动,反射光线也绕O点顺时针转动,会落到B点。D 选项,如果平面镜绕O点逆时针转动,反射光线将落在A点的左侧。

choose     them     easy     communicate     close

      Are you the only child in your family? If so, you are the most important person
in your parents' hearts. They are the    1    people to you in the world. However, many
teenagers like you have trouble   2     with their parents. They always complain (抱怨)
that their parents say too much instead of listening to what they're thinking. When they
do something  wrong, getting away from parents seems to be the only   3   . In fact, what
your parents do just shows love for you. They love you more than they love    4   .
Whenever you need help, they are always there, standing by you. Try to put yourself into
their shoes, and you'll understand them    5  .
     Co-operation(合作) is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives
you. First, discuss all you would like to do With your classmates. Choose one of the members
to write down what you're talking about. Then, with the ideas you get, list all you want. Everyone
shares the duty for the project. You can collect information not only from books but also on
the In ternet. Making a survey (调查) and doing a research are also good ways. After that, all the
members put what has been found together. Try to make the project more well-organized. In the
end, you can give a report in front of your class to show the results of your hard work.
6. i____plan; opinion
7. s____use, pay or have something with others
You can collect information not only from books but also on the Internet.
You can collect information 8.  ___   from books 9.  _     on the Internet.
What can you give in front of your class to show the results of your hard work?
10 .______________________________________________________________