问题 完形填空

任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)

小题1:I often fail to finish the reading test because there is not enough time.

小题2:I have question with my lessons. But I don’t like to ask the teacher in front of my


小题3:I can’t follow the tape when I am doing listening test, because there are always some 

words I don’t know.

小题4:I always forget the new words. Ever though I learned them yesterday, I may forget them

today when I open the book.

小题5:I don’t dare to speak English with others, though I know I’m good at it.

A.Try to get the main idea of the tape and do not stop to think when you hear the words you don’t know. You don’t need to know every word in the passage.

B.Take short rests and plan your work reasonably.

C.Ask the teacher after class. You can also write the questions down on a piece of paper and give it to the teacher.

D.Review the words again and again until you remember them.E. Do reading exercises in a given time. Try to read fast. You don’t need to know each word.

F. listen to other carefully and write down what they say. It’s a good way to practice your listening skill.

G. Don’t worry about that. Try to speak English more with your close friends first. Once you can do it well, talk with the others








小题1: E 原句话中提到因为我没有足够的时间,所以没有完成阅读考试。与E项中do reading exercises in given time.try to read fast.阅读练习给出一定时间,快速阅读,相符合。

小题2: C 原句话中提到我的课程有问题,我不喜欢当众问老师。与C项中ask the teacher after class,课下问老师,表达一致。

小题3: A 原句话中当我上听力课时,我跟不上磁带,有些单词听不清楚。与A项中try to get the main idea of the tape and do not stop to think when you hear the words you don’t know.听大概意思,当有听不懂的话时,不要停止思考。相呼应。

小题4: D 原句中我总是记不住单词,刚学过,马上就忘记了。与D项 review the words again and again until you remember you,不断的复习,相互印证。

小题5:B 原句话中我不敢与别人说英语,虽然我的英语不错。与B项短暂的休息,合理计划自己的工作,相符合。

问答题 简答题