问题 问答题

四  背景资料  某施工单位承担一矿山立井井筒的施工任务,该立井井筒净直径6.5m,深度560m。其中表土段深度30m,井壁厚度650mm,采用井圈背板普通法施工。基岩段深度530m,井壁厚度500mm,混凝土强度等级为C30,采用普通钻眼爆破法施工。施工单位编制了该井筒的施工组织设计,主要内容如下:  1、井筒施工方案:井筒表土段采用短掘短砌单行作业。基岩段采用短段掘砌混合作业,伞钻打眼,炮眼深度4.0m,中心回转抓岩机出渣,两套单钩吊桶提升,金属整体伸缩式模板砌壁,段高3.5m。  2、井内施工设备:主提升为3m3吊桶,副提升为2m3吊桶;1台FTD-6伞钻和2台HZ-6中心回转抓岩机均悬挂在三层吊盘上;金属伸缩式模板采用4根钢丝绳地面凿井绞车悬吊;混凝土溜灰管采用2根钢丝绳地面凿井绞车悬吊;压风管、供水管、环境钢风筒采用井壁固定;凿井吊盘采用6根钢丝绳悬吊;各种电缆按相关规定悬吊。  3、井筒施工组织:井筒安排专业施工队伍实施滚班作业,掘进循环时间约24小时,月进尺不低于80m。  4、主要技术要求:井筒基岩施工必须采用光面爆破,装岩提升全面实行机械化作业,采用溜灰管下放混凝土,脱模时混凝土强度不低于0.5MPa,井壁厚度偏差符合设计要求,建成后的井筒总漏水量不大于10.0m3/h,且不得小于1.0m3/h以上的集中出水孔。井筒施工期间采用激光指向仪定向。  该立井井筒施工组织设计编制完成后,上报相关部门进行审批,相关部门要求进行修改。施工单位及时进行了修改,最终获得批准执行。  在井筒施工到深度520m时,吊盘工发现吊盘紧靠井筒一侧且下放困难,于是报告项目经理。经检查发现激光指向仪投点偏移井筒中心300mm,井筒偏斜100mm—400mm,高度约15m。  问题



参考答案:从安全考虑,施工设备缺少安全梯。  安全梯是井下出现停电、提升系统出现故障突发事故时人员撤离的设施,必须布置。



                                                                       The Moon

     Three hundred and eighty thousand kilometres away from the earth, the moon is man's closest neighbor

in the universe. Its surface is as large as Asia. Though so far away, the moon has a strong influence on the

ecological balance on the earth. For example, partly because of the moon's gravity, our seas and oceans have


     Nearly forty years ago, man's dream of reaching the moon was realized when American astronaut Neil

Armstrong stepped onto the moon's surface. As Armstrong said, it was a small step for a man, but a giant

leap for mankind. Just think of the past when our forebears could hardly find enough to keep alive!

     Understanding the moon is of great significance. Since there is no water and no air there, the moon is an

ideal place from which to observe the universe. A huge astronomical telescope has been installed on the moon.

And the moon's solar energy can be used more fully than the earth's. Finally there are the moon's rich mineral

resources. It is no exaggeration to say that the moon is a mini-earth in terms of mineral resources.

     Maybe it won't be long before man can benefit from the development of the moon's resources.

1. Which of the following is correct according to the passage? [ ]

A. The moon has hardly any influence on anything on the earth because it is too far away from us.

B. Tides in the seas and oceans are partly caused by the moon's gravity.

C. The moon's surface is the same as that of Asia.

D. The ecological balance depends on the moon.

2. What Armstrong said shows that _____. [ ]

A. he made only one step on the moon's surface and he believed that man would make more in the future

B. his step on the moon was not big enough

C. his step on the moon marked man's entrance to a new era (时代) of the moon's research

D. anyone could leave bigger and more steps on the moon than he did

3. "Just think of the past when our forebears could hardly find enough to keep alive!" What does this sentence

     really mean? [ ]

A. Our forefathers had to labor themselves to find the insufficient food so as to live on,but we now can go to

     the moon to open a new world!

B. Just think that our ancestors (祖先) were working so hard, while we are leading so happy a life!

C. Every time when we think of our hardworking forebears,we can't help feeling shamed of ourselves. How

     lazy we are!

D. If you have landed on the moon,you will certainly think of your forefathers, who did a lot in the development

    of science.

4. All the following statements show the great significance of the moon except _____. [ ]

A. you can more easily observe the universe on the moon

B. the moon is rich in mineral resources

C. a huge astronomical telescope is more easily installed on the moon than on the earth

D. you can more fully use the solar energy on the moon than on the earth

5. What conclusion can you draw after reading this passage? [ ]

A. The further research of the moon is of great importance.

B. The moon is a likely place to have a lot of diamonds.

C. It is no exaggeration to say that the moon is full of gold and silver as well as all kinds of treasures which

     the earth has.

D. The development of the moon's resources will benefit man, but we shall wait a long time.
