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[考点] 甲亢药物治疗的适应证和原理

[分析]: 复方碘溶液一般仅应用于术前准备和甲亢危象,能够减少甲状腺充血,阻抑甲状腺激素的合成和释放。普萘洛尔能够阻断日受体,阻抑T(下标)3转化为T(下标)4。但以上两种药物多不能用于妊娠期患者。用于治疗浸润性突眼的是甲状腺素片。


Louis Armp had two famous nicknames. Some people called him Bagamo. They said his mouth looked like a large bag. Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence on the world of music.

Born in 1901 in New Orleans, he grew up poor, but lived among great musicians. Jazz had been invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armp often said, "Jazz and I grew up together. "

Armp showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the comet at a boy’s home. In his late teens, Armp began to live the life of a musician, lie played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that traveled on the Mississippi River. At that time, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armp learned from the older musicians and soon became respected as their equal.

In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale of Louis Armp began. From then until the end of his life, Armp was celebrated and loved wherever he went. Armp had no equal when it came to playing the American popular song.

His cornet playing had a deep humanity and warmth that caused many listeners to say, "Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over. " He was the father of the jazz style and also one of the best known and most admired people in the world. His death, on July 6th 1971,was headline news around the world.

Armp was called Pops because he ().

A.looked like a musician

B.was a musician of much influence

C.showed an interest in music

D.traveled to play modem music
