问题 多项选择题

下面关于社会评价方法的论述正确的是( )。








解析: 本题主要考核对社会评价方法的综合理解。
[解题思路] 社会评价通常采用定性分析与定量分析相结合、参数评价与经验判断相结合,并以定性分析和经验判断为主的方法。定性分析应尽量引用直接或间接的数据,以便更准确地说明问题的性质和影响程度;定性分析的指标可随行业和项目有所不同。定量分析一般要有统一的量纲、一定的计算公式和一定的判别标准。


Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: (10 分)In previous generations, young people were under their parents’ control; now the teenagechildren of the West’s richest generation were ready for something to get excited about. The Beatlessimply put a spark to a fuse (导火线) that was waiting to be lit.Everything changed, and what changed for the Beatles was their lives and their working habits,in the midst of the hysterical (歇斯底里的)following the band attracted.. Because of the demand ofthe fans to see them perform, they played bigger and bigger venues (meeting places), especially inAmerica.But John, Paul, George and Ringo became increasingly unhappy that, because of the screamingof their fans, neither the band nor the audience could hear the music. Creatively frustrated and tiredof the pressures of life under siege (围攻) from their fans, they retired from playing concerts in 1966and decided to concentrate on recording.It was from this point that the brilliance of the Beades really began to reveal itself: they wouldrecord over their career some 200 songs. Never before nor since has any recording and writing groupeven developed and yet remained the same in the way the Beades did. Their songs never lost their universal appeal thanks to the warmth and timelessness of theirmelodies and lyrics.John and Paul were powerful singers with distinctive styles. It became apparent that, despite thefact that the songwriting credits were always equally attributed to them, Paul and John wrote andsang their own songs. George also contributed two or three of his own compositions to each of theBeatles eleven albums. Even Ringo wrote and sang the occasional song.

What can we learn about the Beafles’ music

A.It was a fine examPle of music for simple singalong songs.

B.Its appeal was not limited to any particular time or group of people.

C.It was simple in form but rich in meaning.

D.It reached a height which other pop music groups had never reached for their lyrics and melodies.