Linda is her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin.[ ]
A. similar to
B. kind to
C. friendly to
D. different from
【说明】 下面的程序是从命令行输入3个数传递到public static void main(String args[])方法中 (如java IsTriangle 3 4 5),并判断这3个数能否构成三角形的3条边,并显示相应的结果。请在程序的每条横线处填入适当的语句,使程序的功能完整。 注意:请勿改动main()主方法和其他已有的语句内容,仅在横线处填入适当的语句。 public class IsTriangle{ public static void main( String args[ ]){int a[] =new (1) [args. (2) ];for(int i=0;i<3; (3) ) { a[i]= (4) } if( (5) ) System. out. println(a[0] +","+a[1] +","+a[2]"能构成三角形的3条边"); else System. out. println(a[0] +","+a[1] +","+a[2]"不能构成三角形的3条边); } }