问题 选择题


A .他几十年如一晶无私奉献的事迹在当地广为传颂,经媒体曝光后,更赢得了无数人的赞赏。  

B .杭州西湖不仅有秀美的湖光山色,更有千年的文化结存,被列为为世界文化是众人望所归。  

C .智慧的人能够在失败中吸取教训,改变自己的思维和行为,以免重蹈覆辙而悔之莫及。  

D .写作需要生活的积累和丰富的思想,否则,你的文章就会因缺乏具体内容而成为一纸空文




A man went to buy a piece of meat. As he didn’t know how to cook meat, he asked the butcher  (屠夫) to tell him the way of cooking it. The butcher told him how to cook it, “But I can’t remember your words,” the man said. “Will you please write them down for me?” The butcher was kind enough to write them down for him. The man went home happily with the meat in his hand and the note (字条) in his pocket (口袋). A dog followed him on the way. It jumped at him, took the meat away and ran off. The man stood there, not knowing what to do. Then he laughed and said, “never mind. You don’t know how to eat it. The note is still in my pocket.”

小题1:The man went to buy a piece of meat in __________.




D.chemist’s小题2:Why did the man asked the butcher to tell him the way to cook meat?

A.He wasn’t good at cooking meat.

B.He can’t cook meat very well.

C.He didn’t know how to cook meat.

D.He didn’t know how to eat meat.小题3:In order to (为了) remember what the butcher said, he asked the butcher _______.

A.to say it once again

B.to teach him again

C.to show him how to cook it

D.to write it down for him小题4:What happened in the end?

A.He forgot to cook the meat.

B.The dog took the meat away.

C.He taught(教)the dog how to eat the meat.

D.The note is still in his pocket.小题5:What do you think of the man?

A.He was afraid of dogs.

B.He loved dogs very much.

C.He was a very foolish(愚蠢的)man.

D.He didn’t know how to do things.
