Africa is a very diverse land with many different tribes. One tradition that many of these groups share is painting or marking their bodies and faces in color. They do this for many reasons. Some marks are used to identify people as part of a group. ____小题1:___ Let’s look at some different examples of body painting.
____小题2:___ Among the Masai of East Africa, when men are old enough to marry and make decisions for their people, they participate in a special ceremony in which they paint their heads and faces red. This ceremony takes place every seven to fourteen years, so there is not an exact age for participating in it. The Samburu, also from East Africa, like to paint their faces and hair red because they think it looks attractive.
____小题3:____ To show that he has killed a lion, a man will paint his body with a natural white material, making special marks to represent this accomplishment. The Masai men also use this white to show that they are no longer boys and are considered adults.
One quite unusual example of face painting is done by the Wodaabe people of West Africa. Once a year, they have a beauty contest for men. ___小题4:___ Then they add white and black circles and lines. Black paint is used near the eyes and on the lips to draw attention to the whiteness of their eyes and teeth, which the Wodaabe consider most beautiful.____ 小题5:__.
As you travel, enjoy the beautiful and bright colors of Africa.
A.Red is the common color in body painting because it often represents health and long life.
B.Other marks are used for ceremonies such as weddings and during times of war.
C.The ceremony expresses hope for rain.
D.The Masai men also have a unique way of showing that they are brave.E. The women then decide which man they like best.
F. The men pretend to fight each other.
G. The men paint their faces yellow and red.
小题1:B与上文的顺承,Some marks are used to identify people as part of a group,句意为:一些标记被用来鉴别人的身份作为族人的一部分,故下文应是另一部分标记是用在某些仪式上比如说婚礼和战争的时候。与some相对应的others故答案应为B。
小题2:A与下文的衔接。they participate in a special ceremony in which they paint their heads and faces red.他们参加一些特殊的仪式,在这种仪式上他们头和脸涂上了红色。本自然段讲述了红色的意义,故答案应为A。
小题3:D对下文的理解。To show that he has killed a lion, a man will paint his body with a natural white material, making special marks to represent this accomplishment.为了显示,他已经杀死了一头狮子,一个男士将把他涂成白色,使得这种特殊的标记来显示他们的成就。所以答案应为D,意为,是用独特的方式来显示他的勇敢。
小题4:G上下文的衔接。The men paint their faces yellow and red.把他们的脸涂上黄色和红色,与下文接着再加上黑白相间的圆,在眼的附近和嘴唇上涂上黑色相照应,故答案为G。
小题5:E 在眼的附近和嘴唇上涂上黑色与他们的眼睛和牙齿的白色形成对比,显示他们更加帅气,目的是吸引自己的另一半,也就是说,这个时候女士才能决定她们最喜欢哪一个。