甲 + H2O → 丙 + 丁
①若甲是一种钠盐,丁为两性氢氧化物,则甲的化学式为 ,丁的酸式电离方程式为 。
②若甲是由N和Cl元素组成的化合物,其分子结构模型如右图所示,丙具有漂白性。则甲中Cl元素的化合价是 ,丁与H2O有相同的电子总数,则丁的电子式为
①若甲和丙是同主族元素组成的单质,且组成甲的元素位于第三周期,此反应的离子方程式是 。
②若丙和丁都可在一定条件下还原CuO,此反应的化学方程式是 。
A Recent Erymology of the Word "Culture"“文化”一词的新词源Look in an old dictionary—say, a pre-1960 Webster’s—and you’ll likely find a definition of culture (1) looks something like this: "1.The cultivation of soil. 2.The raising, improvement, or development of some plant, animal (2) product. " This use of the word has its roots in the ancient Latin word cultura, "cultivation" or "tending," and (3) entrance into the English language had begun by the year 1430. By the time the Webster’s definition above was (4) , another definition had begun to take precedence over the old Latin denotation; culture was coming to mean "the training, (5) , and refinement of mind, tastes, and manners" (Oxford English Dictionary). The OED traces this definition, which today we associate (6) the phrase "high culture," back as far as 1805; by the middle of the 20th century, it was (7) becoming the word’s primary definition. However, if you try a more modem source, like the American Heritage English Dictionary, (8) find a primary definition of culture which is substantially different than either of the two given above: "The totality (9) socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. " Why such a (10) , and in such a (relatively) short period of time Well, in the past 40 years, the use of the (11) "culture" has been heavily influenced by the academic fields of sociology and cultural anthropology. These fields have gradually brought (12) was once a minor definition of culture (the last of eight definitions given in the old 1958 Webster’s quoted (13) ) into the mainstream. It is easy to imagine how the US society which was so focused on "socially transmitted (14) patterns" in the sixties would come to need a word to describe the object of its interest. The civil (15) movement during this era brought everyone’s attention to bear on cultural differences within US society, while the Vietnam War (16) to emphasize the position of the US culture in relation to other world cultures. Over time, these new uses (17) the word culture have eclipsed its older meanings, those associated with cultivation of the land and the production of (18) . You might say that an aspect of US culture over the past 40 years is its fascination with the (19) of culture itself—a fascination which has brought about many changes in the way we speak and the (20) of words which we commonly use.