1. 你告诉妈妈:学校虽然放学了,但你还想呆在那儿,应该说:[ ]
A. When school is over. I want to go home.
B. When school is over. But I want to stay.
C. When school is over. But I want to clean the classroom.
2. “母亲节在每年五月的第二个星期日。”这句话正确的表达方式是:[ ]
A. Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May.
B. Father's Day is the third Sunday in June.
C. Mother's Day is the day of my birthday.
3. 你想请建筑师为你设计一套公寓,应该对他说:[ ]
A. Can you make a tourism ad for my city?
B. Can you cook the meals for my family?
C. Can you make a building plan for my flat?
1-3: B A C