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In one sense, we can trace all the problems of the American city back (91) a single starting point: we Americans don’t like our cities very much.
That is, on the (92) of it, absurd. After all, more than three-fourths of us now live in cities, and more are (93) to them every year. We are told that the problems of our cities are (94) more attention in Washington, and scholarship has discovered a whole new (95) in urban studies.
(96) , it is historically true: in the American psychology, the city has been a basically suspect institution, (97) with the corruption of Europe, totally lacking that sense of spaciousness and innocence of the (98) and the rural landscape.
I don’t pretend to be a scholar on the history of the city in American life. But my thirteen years in public (99) , first as an officer of the U. S. Department of Justice, then as Congressman, and now as Mayor of the biggest city in America have taught me (100) too well the fact that a p antiurban attitude (101) consistently through the mainstream of American thinking. Much of the (102) behind the settlement of America was in reaction (103) the conditions in European industrial centers and much of the theory (104) the basis of freedom in America was linked directly to the availability of land and the perfectibility of man outside the corrupt influences of the city.
What has this to do with the predicament of the modern city I think it has (105) to do with it. For the fact is that the United States (106) the federal government, which has historically established our national priorities, has simply never thought that the American city was "worthy" of (107) —at least not to the (108) of expending any basic resources on it.
Antipathy to the city predates the American experience. When industrialization (109) the European working man into the major cities of the continent, books and pamphlets appeared (110) the city as a source of crime, corruption, filth, disease, vice, licentiousness, subversion, and high prices.








材料二:对于涨价原因,尤其是菜价节节攀高,网友们的分析各自有别。有网友表示,北京郊区菜地减少是个原因,都要靠外地运输进来,成本自然增加了。网友蒋远的说法得到多数人认同,他认为美元贬值引起原材料、石油和农产品等国际大宗商品价格上升,同时引发粮食、蔬菜价格上涨。 “肯定有投机分子在兴风作浪,一些蔬菜的价格'呼呼上涨',供需变化也没这么大,比股票涨得还疯狂,肯定有问题。”不少网友认为有投机成分,政府应出台政策予以打击,稳定物价。

材料三:2010年10月25日 国务院 * * 温 * * 主持召开国务院常务会议,分析当前经济形势,安排部署今年后几个月经济工作。会议要求,今后几个月要继续按照中央关于下半年经济工作的部署,继续采取措施稳定市场价格。抓好居民生活必需品特别是“菜篮子”产品生产和市场供应,加强产运销衔接服务。加强市场监督,大力整顿和规范市场秩序,从严惩处囤积居奇、串通涨价等各类违法违规行为。加强对重要商品供求价格信息发布工作,有效引导社会预期。试用所学知识回答下列问题:  



