结构化程序设计所规定的3种基本控制结构是顺序结构、选择结构和 【3】 。
解析: 任何一个大型的程序都由3种基本结构所组成,由这些基本结构顺序地构成了——个结构化的程序。事实上,程序设计语言仅仅使用顺序、选择和循环3种基本结构就足以表达出各种其他形式结构的程序设计方法。
结构化程序设计所规定的3种基本控制结构是顺序结构、选择结构和 【3】 。
解析: 任何一个大型的程序都由3种基本结构所组成,由这些基本结构顺序地构成了——个结构化的程序。事实上,程序设计语言仅仅使用顺序、选择和循环3种基本结构就足以表达出各种其他形式结构的程序设计方法。
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Before my recent graduation,the last project of the term was called "Smile".The class was asked to go out and 1 at three people and record their 2 . Soon after we were given the 3 ,my husband and 1 went out to McDonald's one cold morning.We were standing in 4 ,waiting to be 5 ,when suddenly everyone around us began to back away.A feeling of 6 rose up inside of me as I wondered what happened. As I 7 around I smelled a horrible dirty smell.Behind me were two poor homeless men. As I looked at the short man close to me,he was smiling and his blue eyes searched for 8 . He said "Good day" as he 9 the few coins.The waitress asked him what they wanted.He said,"Coffee is all,Miss." That was all they could 10 . I 11 felt the urge and actually hugged him.That was 12 I noticed all the eyes in the restaurant were set on 13 .I smiled and asked the waitress for two more breakfast meals on 14 trays(托盘). I then walked to the table that the men had 15 as a resting spot.I put the trays on the table and laid my 16 on the short man's cold hand.He said "Thank you" with tears in his eyes. I 17 this story as my project.My instructor read it and said, "Can I 18 this with classmates?" I nodded.At that moment I found something more 19 than a simple smile.I graduated with one of the most important 20 I would ever learn-uncond. | ||||