问题 综合题


材料一 当转型的准备工作完成后,现代化的第一步是在政治领域首先迈出的,这就标志着现代化的开始。……一个人的绝对权力阻碍了国家的发展,不限制这种权力,国家便无法进步。克服专制王权于是成了继续前进的条件,在这个时候,谁先克服专制王权,谁就先迈出现代化的第一步。


材料二  19世纪末到20世纪前半叶,中国的近代企业呈现出沿着纺织、缫丝、面粉为中心的民间轻工业,军需工业、船舶修造、机械工业等政府主导的重工业两个方向发展,与此同时,在上海和东北等地设立的外国企业,在向中国引进技术方面来说也发挥了特殊的作用和具有特殊的意义。


材料三 斯大林时期是一个社会发生巨大变革、实现农村经济向城市经济基本转变的飞跃前进的时代——在斯大林的领导下,苏联发展成为一个重要的工业大国,它的大量的人口从农村流到了城市,一个制度化的由中央全面控制的社会主义体制形成了……苏联经济也一直以较高的速度持续增长。                      















Charlie works in a post office. His father lost his job five years ago and his mother is often ill. And he has two brothers and a sister. He works hard and tries his best to buy enough food for his family.

  Last month his family had to move to an old house outside the city. It's farther from the post office and he has to get up early in the morning in order to catch the 6:30 train. The head of his office is strict and everybody has to get there on time. He knows what it'll mean if he's late. A friend of his had pity on(同情) him and lent his old car to him. The young man was happy and from then on he could go to work by car.

  Last Saturday Charlie went to buy some medicine for his mother. Bad luck! When he came out of the shop, he couldn't find the car. He was quite worried and began to look for it in front of the shop but he didn't find it. Suddenly he saw a woman parked a car there and hurried into the shop. Charlie saw the car wasn't locked. He got on it and drove it at once. He was afraid the loser would run after him and drove fast. A truck hit it at a crossing and he lost consciousness.(知觉)

  This morning the young man came back to life and saw there were a few policemen standing by his bed. He asked, "Where am I?"

  "In Room 103."

  "In hospital or in prison ?"

小题1:There’re ________ people in Charlie's family.




D.seven小题2:Charlie’s family moved to the old house outside the city because _______.

A.it's very quiet there

B.they hoped to save some money

C.he could get to his office by train

D.his father had found a job there小题3:Charlie has to get to his office on time because ___________.

A.the head is strict with them

B.he wishes to be praised

C.he's usually on duty     

D.he's afraid to be fired小题4:For         did Charlie buy any medicine last Saturday?


B.his father

C.his sister.  

D.his mother小题5:Charlie was afraid ________, so he drove fast.

A.to be late        

B.to meet the red lights

C.to be caught by the loser

D.to miss the 6:30 train
