问题 不定项选择

1994年,12月27日,香港甲公司与澳门乙公司在澳门签订了一份购销200台日本产佳能影印机的合同。价款337万港元,CIF珠海。收货单位为珠海丙公司。交货期限: 1995年1月底前。如延期或不能交货应向乙公司支付违约金。甲公司在期限内交付了60台影印机并与乙公司结算完毕。但第二批80台于1995年2月27日由船方签发一式二份正本提单,“托运人”为香港甲公司,“收货人”栏填香港某银行,“通知人”栏为珠海丙公司。货运抵珠海后,丁运输公司通知丙公司,由于香港甲公司提交的单证中数量、产地证不符合信用证要求,议付行拒付,全套单据无法及时转交。3月5月,乙公司向运输公司出具保函要求船方让丙公司提货,有关单证及法律问题由其负责。3月6日,丙公司持保函向运输公司提货。5月3日,乙公司向甲公司支付了该批货的部分货款,并以甲公司未按合同规定的数量及期限履行为由拒付余款47.6万港元。由于内部人事上的原因,甲公司直到1997年1月才以海运合同纠纷为由向广州海事法院起诉。在本案中,有关诉讼时效的问题,下列说法中正确的是:







解析:本题考查《海牙规则》中关于时效的问题。 《海牙规则》第3条第6款规定,货方对承运人提起货物灭失损害索赔的诉讼时效为。1年,自货物交付之日起算,在货物灭失的情况下,自货物应交付之日起算。因此A项是正确答案。《维斯比规则》对《海牙规则》的上述规定作了两点修改:(1)诉讼时效为1年,双方协商,可以延长时效;(2)对第三者的追偿诉讼,在1年的诉讼时效期满后,仍有3个月的宽限期。因此C项是正确答案。我国《海商法》第257条规定:就海上货物运输向承运人要求赔偿的请求权,时效期间为1年。因此D项是正确答案。


When an invention is made, the inventor has three possible courses of action open to him: he can give the invention to the world by publishing it, keep the idea secret, or patent it.

A granted patent is the result of a bargain made between an inventor and the state, by which the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly (垄断) and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period terminates (终止).

Only in most exceptional circumstances is the life-span of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events.

The longest extension ever granted was to Georges Valensi: his 1939 patent for color TV receiver circuitry was extended until 1971 because for most of the patent’s normal life there was no color TV to receive and thus no hope of reward for the invention.

Because a patent remains permanently public after it has terminated, the shelves of the library attached to the patent office contain details of literally millions of ideas that are free for anyone to use and, if older than half a century, sometimes even re-patent. Indeed, patent experts often advise anyone wishing to avoid the high cost of conducting a search through live patents that the one sure way of avoiding violation of any other inventor’s right is to plagiarize a dead patent. Likewise, because publication of an idea in any other form permanently invalidates (使无效) further patents on that idea, it is traditionally safe to take ideas from other areas of print. Much modern technological advance is based on these presumptions of legal security.

Anyone closely involved in patents and inventions soon learns that most "new" ideas are, in fact, as old as the hills. It is their reduction to commercial practice, either through necessity of dedication, or through the availability of new technology, that makes news and money. The basic patent for the theory magnetic recording dates back to 1886. Many of the original ideas behind television originate from the late 19th and early 20th century. Even the Volkswagen rear engine car was anticipated by a 1904 patent of a cart with the horse at the rear.

Georges Valensi’s patent lasted until 1971 because ().

A. nobody would offer any reward for his patent prior to that time

B. his patent could not be put to use for an unusually long time

C. there were not enough TV stations to provide color programs

D. the color TV receiver was not available until that time.