问题 选择题

2013年1月17日,成都市11万名大学生奔赴企事业单位和农村地区,开展带薪实习、“三进三同”(进基层、进村子、进农户,同吃、同住、同劳动)和社会热点问题调研。为了消除少数学生的抵触情绪,我们可以引用的名句有(  ) 





A.①②        D.③④        C.①③         D.②④



题目分析:题中材料“2013年1月17日,成都市11万名大学生奔赴企事业单位和农村地区,开展带薪实习、‘三进三同’(进基层、进村子、进农户,同吃、同住、同劳动)和社会热点问题调研”,强调的是大学生参加社会实践活动,故消除少数大学生对该项活动的抵触情绪,需要我们强调实践的重要性。①项中“从身上习过”、③项中“不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深渊,不知地之厚也”,均是强调实践的重要意义,符合题意,可以入选;②强调自强不息的精神和诚实信用的意义,不合题意,故不能入选;④项 意为人的诚心所到,能感动天地,使金石为之开裂,强调的是只要专心诚意去做,什么疑难问题都能解决,不合题意,不能入选。因此,答案是C项。


Tim Burton attempts to work his gothic magic over one of the best loved stories of all time—Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.

Alice, now 19, attends a party at a Victorian estate, only to find she is about to be proposed to by a rich suitor(求婚者)in front of hundreds of snooty(傲慢的)society types. She runs off, following a white rabbit into a hole and ending up in Wonderland—a place she visited many years before, yet she doesn’t remember. The white rabbit claims to have come back for Alice because she is the only one who can slay(杀死)the Jabberwock, the beast who guards the Red Queen’s empire. Alice remains completely unaware of why she is in Wonderland, and is confused about the fact that she had once visited Wonderland years before.

Now, Wonderland has changed into a dark, scarier place than it used to be. Alice then embarks on an adventure of self discovery, and to save Wonderland from the Red Queen’s reign(统治)of terror with the help of her Wonderland friends.

小题1:The story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was written by____________.

A.Tim Burton

B.Lewis Carroll


D.the passage doesn’t tell us小题2: Alice runs off because maybe___________.

A.she doesn’t like that party

B.she is too snooty

C.she doesn’t like the suitor

D.she wants to get married小题3:In the last paragraph, the phrase “embarks on” means _________.

A.starts to do something

B.gets onto a ship

C.refuses to do something

D.finds something小题4:This passage would most likely to be found __________.

A.on a film poster

B.in a government document

C.in a novel

D.in an entertainment magazine